Bound Newsletter 9.3.2023
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 9.3.2023

- Living by a Standard
- Welcome baby Brock Jones (momma doing great)
- New Members
- Big Bragging Board
- CFJ: How does CrossFit build strength and endurance?
- Upcoming Labor Day schedule
- One More Mile Documentary

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Bound Newsletter 8.6.2023
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 8.6.2023

- Another BABY!
- Jason Callis last day coaching is Monday 8/8
- CF Games Champions
- Bragging Board
- Upcoming events/ Recovery Room signup
- How to win the games Journal Article
- BPs list and this weeks workouts

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Bound Newsletter 7.9.2023
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 7.9.2023

-You need to Decide
-Helen PRs
-Upcoming Events (discount code for Blue Ridge Ultra!)
-Article of Week: Strong Enough
-Upcoming Workouts
-Couple of Really good podcasts one with Rich and Brandon doing a wedding day workout

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Bound Newsletter 7.2.2023
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 7.2.2023

-Recovery Room opens Wednesday, July 5th. Get signed up and reserve your spot
-Upcoming schedule changes for the 3/4 of July
-Benefits of Compression Pants and Infrared Sauna
-CFJ Article: How CrossFit will change your body by Mike G
-Upcoming Workouts
-BPs List

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Bound Newsletter 6.18.2023
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 6.18.2023

-Make good choices
-Tuesday WHydration Kennesaw is visiting the afternoon sessions to show our members the products they offer.
-Mayhem on the Mountain is around the corner.
-Bill Starr's article on mental visualization during strength training
-Upcoming schedule for July 4th
-No Kids Class 6/19 (Monday) or July 3rd
- This week’s workout (girl workout of the week - Nicole)

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Bound Newsletter 6.11.2023
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 6.11.2023

-Kids classes are back thanks to Laura Rutland!
-Choose the hard path
-Bragging board (new baby alert!)
-Upcoming events, July 4th schedule, and New Recovery Room!
-The Slow Lifts by Mark Rippetoe article
-Upcoming Workouts

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Bound Newsletter 5.28.2023
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 5.28.2023

-Memorial Day Murph Schedule (8:45 and 9:30 class only)
-Bragging Board
-New Members
-Upcoming Workouts
-The Holy Trinity of Strength exercises we will be focusing on following Hero Month

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Bound Newsletter 5.23.23
Newsletter Brandon Phillips Newsletter Brandon Phillips

Bound Newsletter 5.23.23

-Training is a learning process
-Upcoming Memorial Day Schedule for Murph
sponsored by The Phoenix Organization. Food and Drinks provided
-New Members
-Upcoming Affiliation Dues being charged to accounts
-CFJ Article: the Lifting Shoulder. Focus towards upcoming strength cycle.
-This Weeks Hero Workouts

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