Bound Newsletter 9.3.2023
Never apologize for having high standards. People who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet them.
A documentary “One More Mile” was shared with me this past weekend and I highly recommend all of you watch it through Amazon Prime. It is worth the $4 to rent ( which I should have just purchased cause that cost me additional ). The documentary follows former Navy Seal Chad Wright, from Rome, Ga through a one mile track - last man standing - trail race in Tennessee.
Throughout this entire documentary you hear Chad speak about the standards he holds himself to in life; and how through patience, strategy and implementation he is able to execute and win the race.
Watching this effected me and brought to light within myself the lack of standards I’ve upheld myself too, in just about all areas of life. chad and his words have pushed me to be better and not be concerned about lowering the standards I want to live by to make those around me feel comfortable.
In the final hours of the race it comes down to 2 individuals and by the end, one does not make the cut off time (every lap must be done within 20 minutes). When the other wins the race by completing one more lap within the 20 minutes, the first thing he does is thank his competitor because without him, he would not have pushed himself to the limits of his capability.
We must live by a standard for not only ourselves, but to make those around us better in our community.
What are the standards you live by - or what are the standards you want to live by?
Welcome Brock Jones.
August 31,
New Members:
- Travis Tucker
- Jason Moore (is returning - kinda)
Bragging Board:
Colton Heibeck - 325lb Clean; 305lb Power clean; 305lb Jerk (both prs)
Mary - Getting some Bar Muscle Ups Back!
Carla - 95lb Back Squat for 3reps!
Jonathan P - 210lb Clean and Jerk
Meghan Willis - 160lb Clean and Jerk
Julie C - 160lb Clean and Jerk
Savannah - 155lb Clean and Jerk
Ruben - 275lb Clean and Jerk
Hannah S - 105lb Clean and Jerk
Emily - 135lb Clean and Jerk
Jen Wells - 130lb Clean and Jerk
Jenni Busbee - 140lb Clean and Jerk
Amber Buettner - 150lb Clean and Jerk
Upcoming Events/Schedule Changes:
Labor Day (9/4) classes at 8 & 9 am only!
Blue Ridge Ultra Marathon - 15k, 30k, and 50k races
October 7th - The event gave us a discount to use - ‘crossfitbound’
We are planning on renting a large AirBnb for everyone that wants to come. Please let Jessica know.
Website HERE
Trackside Fitness Competition October 28th at CrossFit Bound
Teams of 2 in MM/FF pairs (Rx/Scaled Division)
One day competition
We need volunteers and / or participants!
New Recovery Room is Open for members to sign up for only $15 a month!
Our recovery room has:
Infrared Sauna
Air Relax compression pants
Thera Gun
You can sign up for your Recovery Room membership for $15 a month through Wheelpay or speak with one of our coaches next class. All you need to do is download the Acuity App (link below) and reserve your time slots for up to a week ahead of time.
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: Removing Interference by Lon Kilgore
”There will never be truly maximal gains when multiple external stressors are applied to the body in a single training session. If this were possible, we could have 2:08 marathoners with 700-pound raw deadlifts. This does not happen. Both these examples, the elite marathon time and the Herculean lift, represent specializations in fitness, a focus on one component of fitness at the necessary expense of the others. Specialization in a single fitness parameter is not the CrossFit philosophy and it is not the philosophy of most recreational exercisers. CrossFit represents an intended adaptation to a wide spectrum of physiologic stressors, adaptations relevant to the broad fitness required for demanding occupational effort and diverse recreational activity. While some interference does occur with this model of training, it is significantly less than with simultaneous or sequential aerobic and strength training. CrossFit training’s organization and approach makes “specific” training for “general” fitness possible…”
This Week’s Workouts:
Monday: The Running Holleyman
Tuesday: Strength - Upper Body Push / Pull | Weightlifting EMOM
Wednesday: Strength - 1 & 1/4 Back Squat | Power Snatch + Run + Toes To Bar + Run + Overhead Squat
Thursday: Strength - Push Press + Push Jerk | EMOM of Bike and KB Swings
Friday: Barbara
Saturday: Individual Endurance Workout