Bound Newsletter 8.6.2023
Welcome Caden Charles Shaw born on August 3 @ 12:55am!
Last week I had a few folks say the percentage chart was off and made some changes to the wording. You’ll notice in column D it shows which lifts should be compared to.
So if you have a 200lb back squat and you are entering your power clean weight in column B at 135lbs. You’ll see in column F it shows 66%. Which will put your percentage in Column E at 68% so you are right where you need to be in relation to that lift.
Your Front Squat, Deadlift, Power Clean and Power Snatch will all be in relation to your Back Squat. While the others will be based off of the the bench press or press mostly. Feel free to reach out with any other questions.
Monday 8/8 is Coach and Friends Jason Callis last day coaching at CrossFit Bound. If you get a chance to attend the early am classes to the noon class or stop by to say bye he’ll be around. We’ll miss you buddy!
CrossFit Games Champions: Jeffrey Adler and Laura Horvath
Bragging Board:
Fatih Sen deadlifting 235lb!
Trevor Maloney finishing 2nd place this past weekend at the Black Sheep Games in the Elite Team Division
Lura Baker completed her first class workout on Saturday partnering with Julie!
Upcoming Schedule / Events:
Mayhem on the Mountain Competition - August 19th, Pelham Alabama
Team competition, age divisions, and RX/scaled for everyone to choose from
Check out Workouts and sign up through Facebook - HERE
Blue Ridge Ultra Marathon - 15k, 30k, and 50k races
October 7th - The event gave us a discount to use - ‘crossfitbound’
Website HERE
New Recovery Room is Open for members to sign up for only $15 a month!
Our recovery room has:
Infrared Sauna
Air Relax compression pants
Thera Gun
You can sign up for your Recovery Room membership for $15 a month through wheelpay or speak with one of our coaches next class. All you need to do is download the Acuity App (link below) and reserve your time slots for up to a week ahead of time.
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: How to Win the CrossFit Games by Mike Warkentin (2017)
This article was written back in 2017. So Pre-Tia and after Mats first win. Interesting breakdown in how all champions do poor in atleast one workout every year but still manage to come out on top. Give it a quick read.
“Number crunching is fun, but we all know the secret to winning the Games comes down to a single factor. It’s been the same since 2007:
Be fitter, on average, than your peers in any and all tests of fitness.”
This Weeks Workouts:
Monday: Strength - Deadlift | Strict TTB + Double Unders
Tuesday: Strength - Front Squat | HIIT by Nancy
Wednesday: Strength - Close Grip Bench + Barbell Rows | AMRAP with Burpees + Wall balls + Row
Thursday: Strength - Power Clean + Box Jump | Pullups + DB Step Ups
Friday: Strength - Thruster | Cardio Piece
Saturday: Team EMOM
BPs List:
Last week I mentioned the book Outlive by Peter Attia. It’s phenomenal and I highly recommend it. But for those of us who do not like reading but soak in content via video. Below is a animated summary of the book in only 20 minutes :)
Backyard Ultra Marathon Documentary - JUST ONE MORE LAP
This is from the mind of the creator of the Barkley Marathon. This is a 4 mile race. That is completed every hour on the hour until only one runner remains and finishes the 4 mile loop. There is a definite start time but a unknown hour at which the final runner will finish the final lap. As Lazarus says there can only be one winner.
One other quote he says that really stuck with me “All athletes don’t have equal ability, but all athletes have equal value.”