Bound Newsletter 9.24.2023
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
- Alan Kay
The future is always unpredictable, but we can move the needle of our self worth and happiness in the right direction by being deliberate in our daily actions. First we must know who we are, what our passions are, and what our goals are. Once we have a clear vision of who we are and what we want to accomplish in life it gets simple. What does not move you towards your goals, does not belong in your life. What’s tough is changing our behaviors, mindset, and relationships. Start small - have one less cheat meal a day; workout 3x a week (or maybe add one walk outside for 30 minutes once a week); wake up grateful for the things you have and the ability to work and get better for things your want; limit your time with people who create negativity in your life; and put time in with people who create positivity and motivation in your life.
Become the best predictor of your future by maximizing your daily actions.
Class Photos from Kara on 9.16.2023 are below
Bragging Board:
Christine Murray: 1st rope climb
Tudor: 1st rope climb!
Britt Schramm: 3x Unbroken Pullovers
Christian Schramm: 1hr 41 minute half marathon (7:42 avg mile) thats fast!
New Members:
Levi Samples
Upcoming Events and Schedule:
Blue Ridge Ultra Marathon - 15k, 30k, and 50k races
October 7th - The event gave us a discount to use - ‘crossfitbound’
We have rented a large Airbnb for everyone that wants to come. Please let Jessica know.
Website HERE
Trackside Fitness Competition October 28th at CrossFit Bound
Teams of 2 in MM/FF pairs (Rx/Scaled Division)
One day competition
We need volunteers and/or participants!
New Recovery Room is Open for members to sign up for only $15 a month!
Our recovery room has:
Infrared Sauna
Air Relax compression pants
Thera Gun
You can sign up for your Recovery Room membership for $15 a month through Wheelpay or speak with one of our coaches next class. All you need to do is download the Acuity App (link below) and reserve your time slots for up to a week ahead of time.
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: The Paradox of Aerobic Fitness Prescription by Lon Kilgore
This great article talks about a prescription for aerobic fitness for both untrained and trained individuals and how CrossFit improves aerobic fitness without specific training for aerobic fitness in a traditional since.
Workouts of the Week:
This week is a testing week for our current strength program. Be purposeful in weights and do not try just PR for the sake of PRing.
Monday: Strict Press + Push Press + Push Jerk | Karen
Tuesday: Power Clean | AMRAP of Mono + Gymnastics
Wednesday: Back Squat | DB Snatch + Row + Burpees
Thursday: Close Grip Bench Press | Partner Deadlift and Bike
Friday: Max Weighted Strict Pull-up + Max Broad Jump | Walking lunges + Muscle-ups
Saturday: Team Workout