Bound Newsletter 9.17.2023
“A mans greatness is determined by the strength of his enemy.” - Chad Wright
In the “Just One Mile” documentary Chad said his greatest victory in the race would be to find someone mentally tougher than him who can push him to find his physical and mental limits. For someone to beat him to the point he quit. What if we developed that kind of mindset with one another? This is more than just having your name at the top of the leaderboard, that’s a different element. It’s about committing to the goals and standards we set for ourselves - I want to lose 10 pounds, I want to train a minimum of 3 days per week, I want to consume good food not sugar in every meal, I want to prioritize my sleep, I want to consume less alcohol. Notice how I didn’t say be the strongest or be at the top of the leaderboard. But, I will say that if you take care of the things in life mentioned above - I promise you the results will take care of themselves.
Find people to challenge you, find people to encourage you, find people to be honest with you. Find people you want to be like in life and surround yourself with those people. By being around their energy, you will naturally elevate yourself. If you surround yourself with people who don’t live by the standards you want to live by, you’re energy level will be diminished to match theirs.
New Members:
Macie Brown
Casey Little
Guwoin Ingram
Bragging Board:
Britt Schramm - 170lb Clean and Jerk
Jeb Buffington competed in the GA Jewel 18-mile trail race, and completed 38 minutes faster than last year! That’s knocking off 2 minutes a mile faster than a year ago.
Upcoming Events/Schedule Changes:
Blue Ridge Ultra Marathon - 15k, 30k, and 50k races
October 7th - The event gave us a discount to use - ‘crossfitbound’
We have rented a large Airbnb for everyone that wants to come. Please let Jessica know.
Website HERE
Trackside Fitness Competition October 28th at CrossFit Bound
Teams of 2 in MM/FF pairs (Rx/Scaled Division)
One day competition
We need volunteers and/or participants!
New Recovery Room is Open for members to sign up for only $15 a month!
Our recovery room has:
Infrared Sauna
Air Relax compression pants
Thera Gun
You can sign up for your Recovery Room membership for $15 a month through Wheelpay or speak with one of our coaches next class. All you need to do is download the Acuity App (link below) and reserve your time slots for up to a week ahead of time.
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: You Don’t Have to Be Old and Broken
”In fact, a small study compared sedentary aged individuals to recreationally active aged individuals and masters athletes in respect to maximal gait speed and found that you can retain more of your base movement speed if you are active (9). One caveat noted in that study: You actually have to work on retaining speed; you can’t be “recreationally active.” The researchers noted that the recreationally active group was no faster than the sedentary group, while the masters athletic group was over 17 percent faster than those who were sedentary and those who were recreationally active….
So if older individuals report pain when they would not have in their younger lives, and if exercise will aid in reducing the prevalence of pain, it might be tempting to push older trainees for their own good. Of course, we should by no means think the data gives us license to push older individuals deep into the dark abyss of pain. Rather, it is evidence that a trainer can’t treat a well-aged couch potato fresh off the sofa the same way he or she would treat a younger new trainee. The same goes for a trainee who was athletic 20 years ago but is trying to get back into shape after two decades of sedentarism. Older trainees perceive pain differently, and scaling and progression have to be customized to each.
Trainers need to recognize that older trainees do not have the same pain-perception characteristics as younger trainees or even the trainer him- or herself. Attention must be paid to verbal and non-verbal pain cues from the older trainee to ensure appropriate loading, progression and happiness. Modify and adapt; don’t quit.
This Weeks Workouts:
Monday: Strength - Power Clean | Rowing Cindy
Tuesday: Strength - Back Squat | Mono structural + Sleds + Core + Rope Climbs
Wednesday: Strength - Close Grip Bench Press | Snatch + Run + Pullovers + Burpees
Thursday: Strength - Push Press + Weighted Pull-ups | Front Squat + Wall Walks
Friday: Strength - Snatch Complex | 10 Minute Bike Calorie Test
Saturday: Team Workout
BPs list:
I usually go down rabbit holes when I see or meet someone who truly stands out to me. This is a great podcast with Nick Bare and Chad Wright. Nick is a ‘hybrid athlete’ basically the same as a crossfitter who lifts but does challenging endurance events, while running a massive business Bare Performance Nutrition. Nick and Chad sit down and discuss training and how to overcome adversity. Check it out