Bound Newsletter 6.5.2023
Matt Schuster showing off his wall ball skills and lack of height….
“A Champion Mindset is not being gifted of talented. It’s about being prepared, focused, disciplined, and having a deep, unshakable belief in oneself. The reality is, some days you will feel great, and some days you will feel terrible. Some days you are inspired, and some days you can’t even find the motivation to get out of bed. But here’s what really matters; you have a vision, and you believe in yourself, because there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Your vision will drive you. Your job is to create a vision that makes you want to leap out of bed each morning and to attack the day.”
- From the book Champion Minded.
We are all champions of our lives and can all relate to this quote, not just athletes. All of us want to win in life, but to get on track to where and who we want to be, you have to have goals and a clear vision and ask yourself daily, is this choice getting me closer to my goal or allowing me to be comfortable with who I am now. You are not average.
The average person right now in America is overweight; the average person may walk but doesn’t challenge their bodies and minds daily in the gym; the average person sits and stares at their phone for hours, not preparing for life; the average person has no focus or discipline, the average person lacks self-confidence and accepts where they are in life and doesn’t strive for more.
The gym is more than just a place to work out, and it provides you with self-confidence, one of the most excellent tools you can ever have for success.
Bragging Board:
We’ll the strongest guy in the gym asked the big question last week!
Congratulations to Matt Garrison and Sinead Hehir on their engagement!
Murph PRs:
-Amber Buettner: 1 second PR
-Brian Chambers: Unpartitioned PR with vest
-Jen Wells: 7 minute PR
-Jennis Busbee: did 800m runs 2 years ago and almost tied that time this year!
-Jonathan Payton: 5 minute PR
-Kate Davis: 4 minute PR
-Mary Turner: 7 minute PR
-Mia Parker: never stopped on runs!
-Riley Padgett: 9 and half minutes faster than last year
-Ruben Rivera: 1st time going unpartitioned
New Members:
-Beth Reidemann has returned :)
- Autumn Ingham
-Jesus Mundo
Upcoming Schedule Changes|Events:
Mayhem on the Mountain Competition - August 19th, Pelham Alabama
Team competition, age divisions, and rx/scaled for everyone to choose from
Check out Workouts and sign up through Facebook - HERE
Blue Ridge Ultra Marathon - 15k, 30k, and 50k races
October 7th
Website HERE
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: CROSSFIT: THE CURE FOR THE MODERN PLAGUE by: Ben Bergeron and Christine Bald
“From 1346-1353, the Black Death killed about a third of the human population. Historians have described it as the “greatest catastrophe ever,” and the human race has gone to great lengths to ensure that something similar never happens again.
But something is happening again, and it is happening right now. We are amid a global plague that threatens our survival as a species. It is, as CrossFit Inc. Founder Greg Glassman has forewarned, the world’s most vexing problem—and the United States is the primary front.
Chronic disease has been accepted as part of the aging process, but it is not, and while the effects of chronic disease are not as fast as those of the Black Death, they are no less ruthless. According to the World Health Organization, chronic disease is responsible for 88 percent of deaths in the United States in the form of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s—to name a few. Instead of killing its victims quickly, chronic disease manifests over a lifetime in heart attacks and strokes, kidney failure, blindness, limb amputations, brain damage, and more, with crippling emotional and financial effects.
Historians estimate the deadliest disease in human history killed anywhere from 50 to 200 million people in the 14th century. Today, chronic disease is poised to eclipse those statistics—in the United States alone, 133 million people (almost half the country) have a chronic disease.
America is getting sicker and sicker, and it is not just a problem for the chronically ill. It is a disaster that will affect us all. People with chronic diseases account for 86 percent of U.S. health-care expenditures (and 99 percent of Medicare dollars), 91 percent of prescriptions (3), and 76 percent of physician visits. By 2023, the annual economic burden associated with chronic disease, including productivity losses and treatment costs, will total $4.2 trillion—more than the entire 2017 U.S. federal budget.
Chronic disease is bankrupting our country, and the day is coming when the number of sick people will outnumber the healthy.
If this sounds like hyperbole, think again. The U.S. Department of Defense has identified health as an existential threat to our country, one that is being discussed in the same terms as nuclear holocaust, biological terrorism, cyber attack and global warming.”
This Weeks Workouts:
Monday: Strength - Strict Press | Monostructural Conditioning
Tuesday: strength / Skill - Hang Snatch | Triplet EMOM with TTB, DB Box step ups, Banded Strict Pullups
Wednesday: Strength: Front Squat | Weightlifting + Gymnastics + Conditioning
Thursday: AMRAP repeats of conditioning + gymnastics
Friday: Strength: Power Clean + Bench Press | Short metcon + Farmers Carries
Saturday: Team Workout: Bike + Crossovers + synchro toes to bar