Bound Performance
This is our daily class workouts. Designed to be 45-60 minutes in length focusing on strength training, developing work capacity, and General Physical Preparedeness.
Bound Build
Our strength only program focused on whole body strength training 3x days a week. Each session will consist of a Power Lift, Squat, Upper Body Press/Pull movement, followed by body building exercises.
Bound Endurance
The Endurance program is a 5 day a week program focused around runnng, rowing, C2 biking, Echo/Assualt Bikes, and Ski Ergs. Be utilizing short, medium and long time domains and distances to develp your overall aerobic capacity.
Bound Compete
Bound Compete is designed to follow our Performance, Build, Endurance Programs, but gives more training towards competitive fitness with higher skill movements, intensity in workouts, and volume to compete in todays local and online competitions.