Bound Newsletter 7.23.2023
Stuntman Mike giving his best ‘blue steel’ look mid workout.
Strength Training vs Exercise
“There is a difference between Exercise and Training, Exercise is physical activity for its own sake, a workout done for the effect it produces today, during the workout or right after you’re through. Training is physical activity done with a longer-term goal in mind, the constituent workouts of which are specifically designed to produce that goal. Training is how athletes prepare to win, and how all motivated people approach physical preparation….” - Mark Rippetoe, Practical Programming for Strength Training
We train everyday. We do not TEST everyday. We do not ‘exercise’ everyday. Our goal in programming is to create a calculated stimulus/stress, cause our bodies to adapt to the stimulus/stress and by doing this our bodies become stronger both in muscular strength and our ability to deal with waste products created through strenous activity (ie: breathing heavy).
Our strength training is simple - we lift in repetitions of 5,3,&1 (occassionally we’ll get out of these rep ranges) using the big compound lifts such as the squat, press, deadlift, bench press, bent over row, strict pullups, power cleans and power snatches. These lifts activate and directly effect every muscle in our body. We want to master these 8 lifts and develop as much capacity as possible in each. We also want to perfect the technical aspects of each lift. By doing so; our members will be prepared and confident to accomplish any task both in and out of our gym.
A majority of our training is done in the 70-85% range of our one rep maxes. For a good reason. These loads when prescribed appropriately create a specific stimulus for strength and power. But allow you to recover to train the next day. If you go above these percentages daily. Your body will begin to breakdown faster than its allowed to recover. We are not professional athletes, we are above average human beings who have other responsibilities than just the gym with families, work, and hobbies.
Next week I am going to give specific goals and levels to strength we look for at CrossFit Bound from our athletes.
Bragging Board:
-Savannah Haygood with a 160lb Clean and Jerk
Braelyn Barret and her sister competed in her first crossfit competition this past Saturday!
Celebrating Baby Jones with some of our gym ladies!
Upcoming Schedule / Events:
Mayhem on the Mountain Competition - August 19th, Pelham Alabama
Team competition, age divisions, and RX/scaled for everyone to choose from
Check out Workouts and sign up through Facebook - HERE
Blue Ridge Ultra Marathon - 15k, 30k, and 50k races
October 7th - The event gave us a discount to use - ‘crossfitbound’
Website HERE
New Recovery Room is Open for members to use for FREE for the rest of the week!
Our recovery room has:
Infrared Sauna
Air Relax compression pants
Thera Gun
Look below for details on how to sign up and make reservations using the Acuity app
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: “Going Deep in the Squat” by Mark Rippetoe
”What generally happens is that when one of these professionals explains why you will die if you do squats, he will demonstrate with squat technique so incorrect that even unweighted it hurts to watch, and then he’ll say See There, Squats Are Bad For Your Knees. This is like saying that if you burn the beans, they stink up the house, so you shouldn’t eat beans. You don’t get to define the argument in terms that prove you right, and then charge money because you won the argument. You just don’t, as Bill O’Reilly always says….”
This Weeks Workouts:
Monday: Strength - Strict Press | Weightlifting EMOM
Tuesday: Strength - Clean and Jerk EMOM | Run + Burpees
Wednesday: Strength - Back Squat | Partner Workout with Hang Power Snatches + Bike Calories + Bar Muscle Ups
Thursday: Strength - DB Strict Press + Pendlay Bent Over Rows | Renegade Man Makers + CrossOvers
Friday: Strength - Deadlift | Mary
Saturday: Hiller Team Workout - 200 Wall Balls + Run Partner Workout
Sunday - Barbell Club
BPs List:
Sacrificial Marriage Sermon by Eli Laughlin from Burnt Hickory Baptist Church July 16th, 2023
Efficient Lifting is Safe Lifting by Starting Strength