Bound Newsletter 5.23.23
Riley Padgett getting work done this month.
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or being taught. I believe that Training is a pursuit of lifelong learning. Depending on where you are in your fitness journey, you may be pushing the limits to achieve your most tremendous potential, while some may be here to stay strong, happy, and sexy. Either end of the spectrum, you are constantly testing and assessing your fitness, nutrition, and goals.
After completing “the Seven” yesterday, I talked with the Willis clan about hitting PRs for that workout. I want to remind everyone that when you start CrossFit or training with us, you will PR almost every workout, but for most of us, our times & how CrossFit defines fitness “will decline” the longer we do this - both are ok. For those that don’t PR every workout, I don’t believe you are necessarily less fit. The fact you can complete an exercise with perfect technique and at moderate loads is still a fantastic accomplishment. As we age, to hit PRs, there’s a give-and-take that has to happen. It requires more sacrifice, more dedication and will take away from other areas of your life. That’s great for many people, who replace bad habits with training, but we want to move good, feel good, and look good. Either way, it takes a learning process and a personal acceptance to know what part of life we are in. For me, I don’t know if I’ll ever PR another lift or workout in my life because right now, my motivation and priorities are directed toward other areas of my life. Does that mean I don’t give my best effort - absolutely not. For now, my focus is making every rep perfect and approaching every workout with my current fitness level in mind, not my fitness level from 10 years ago.
I say all this to encourage you to apply the knowledge, skills, and experiences to your current training, accept where you are, be smart when progressing to your next fitness level, and always be willing to learn.
Bragging Board:
- Eli Laughlin: Holleyman PR
- Miguel C: 1st time doing Holleyman Rx
- Jonathan P: 1st time doing Holleyman Rx and a :05 second PR on Jerry
- Kate Davis: 1st time doing Holleyman Rx
- Savannah T: 1st time doing Holleyman Rx
- Britt S: 1st time doing Holleyman Rx
- Jen Wells: PR on Holleyman with 10lb increase in power clean weight used
- Jenni Busbee: PR on Holleyman with a 20lb increase on power clean weight used.
- Quentin Duncan: PR on Jerry by :05 seconds
- Riley Padgett: :90s PR on Jerry
- Hunter P: 3 min PR on Weston
- Curty Ayers: 2 min PR on Holleyman
New Members:
Danny Newton
Danny has taken a break from CrossFit for a while. As we all know, life can and is busy. But now he is prioritizing his health and fitness. Danny just finished the Foundations course with Jen to refresh his skills before joining the classes.
Nicolas White
Nicolas as you can tell from the picture is a pretty fit guy. He comes with a lot of experience and with a military background. Look forward to seeing what Nic is capable of.
Upcoming Events, Schedule Changes, etc.":
Affiliation Dues this week. Most of our members have just asked about having the dues added to their membership accounts this month. Miles and I will add it to your membership to be taken out this Friday. If you need the date changed, please email to let us know
Memorial Day Murph will have two heats this year.
Heat 1 will begin your warmup at 8:40 am and start the workout by 9 am
Heat 2 will begin warmup at 9:30 am and start at 9:45-9:50 am
The Phoenix is sponsoring the event this year and will have food and drinks for everyone to hang out until noon. Want to bring a friend; you are more than welcome to.
July 3rd - we will be having a 5:30 am; 9am; 12 pm class
July 4th is a Tuesday this year. We will have one class at 9 am.
Journal Article of the Week: The Lifting Shoulder by Greg Glassman
With Hero Month ending, we will get back on track with our regularly scheduled Strength and Conditioning Program. Summertime is here, and we will be focusing on a lift that we have not focused on in quite a while. The Overhead Strict Press. The strict overhead press, in my opinion, is the best display of strength one can possess. If you have a robust strict press, that will transfer over to overhead stability in the Olympic lifts and gymnastics movements and prevent shoulder injuries. With that being said, I know many of us have some pre-existing issues when we do overhead activities regarding mobility, flexibility, and stability. So we will approach each overhead pressing day with diligence to minimize/eliminate topics we may have.
This is an article from Greg Glassman back in September of 2005 on the importance of the Shoulder in lifting and Gymnastic movements….
”…….To answer the question regarding the shoulder’s role in overhead lifting, we want to look to the methods and techniques of athletes who lift or support substantial loads overhead in the normal course of their sport; evaluate those methods against any observed, trusted, and acknowledged principles of human performance; and conduct local experimentation, where it is ethical and sensible to do so. We evaluate methods experientially, theoretically, and clinically, but each step has an empirical nature. Even our theories have utility only insofar as they are consistent with observation.” - Greg Glassman
This Weeks Hero workout:
Monday: The Seven
Tuesday: DT
Wednesday: Luce
Thursday: Havana
Friday: Moon
Saturday: Omar