Bound Newsletter 8.27.2023
Hillary Maloney
(another one of our super moms) putting in the work during last years OPEN
I’ve noticed a hot topic within the CrossFit media recently discussing what Greg Glassman once said in an interview. “CrossFit is not for EVERYONE but is for ANYONE”. I took that a step further with T.S.A.F.E. - This Sh#^ Aint For Everyone. But it is for anyone who wants to show up, eat right, do the work, and hold themselves accountable to their personal goals for self-improvement.
The beauty within Crossfit is more than looking good naked. The change happens in the mind. Instead of saying ‘I can’t’ you learn to say “I Can.” Instead of quitting, you learn to complete the next rep, go one more round, and push a little harder to finish strong with the person next to you. You learn to trust yourself in difficult situations. You gain SELF CONFIDENCE. That is the one thing no one should be able to take away from you and no one can give you.
I hope our members have first-hand experience with these changes and I hope our new members begin to understand what CrossFit truly is. It’s creating a stronger - more confident - YOU!
New Members:
-Sarah Bedgood (OG member)
-Charles (Bo) Johnson
-Tudor Piroteala
-Dominek Williams
-Ean Parr
Upcoming Events / Schedule Changes
Labor Day Schedule September 4th - 8 and 9am Class only
Blue Ridge Ultra Marathon - 15k, 30k, and 50k races
October 7th - The event gave us a discount to use - ‘crossfitbound’
We are planning on renting a large AirBnb for everyone that wants to come. Please let Jessica know.
Website HERE
New Recovery Room is Open for members to sign up for only $15 a month!
Our recovery room has:
Infrared Sauna
Air Relax compression pants
Thera Gun
You can sign up for your Recovery Room membership for $15 a month through Wheelpay or speak with one of our coaches next class. All you need to do is download the Acuity App (link below) and reserve your time slots for up to a week ahead of time.
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: The 3 Best Ab Exercises ( GHD Situp - Hollow Rock - L Sit) by Greg Glassman
“(GHD Situp) With regular practice, focus on proper recruitment, and incremental dosage an athlete who once complained of lower back discomfort on performing even a few reps of this sit-up will either find the discomfort occurs at increasingly higher reps or diminishes altogether.”
”(Hollow Rock) Lower ab recruitment is the toughest part of ab training and never well developed by most athletes. It is so common as to be a visual cliché that the aerobics instructor who teaches “ab classes” at your local gym can do thousands of crunches but still has a lower abdominal pooch as though three months pregnant. Activation, full recruitment, and development of the lower abs require enormous concentration and focus over months if not years. The hollow rock is a near perfect tool to both test and develop low ab capacity.”
”(The L-Sit) As for efficacy, the L-sit may have no peer among abdominal exercises. We make this claim not on the basis of our position on abdominal muscle functionality but on the simple observation that athletes who have developed their L-sit to the point where they can hold it for three minutes subsequently find all other ab work easy. The gymnasts’ unrivaled capacity at hip and trunk flexion is in large part due to their constant training and practice of this exercise.”
This Week’s Workouts:
-Monday: Strength - Deadlift | Wall Balls + Hang Power Cleans + Rope Climbs
-Tuesday: Strength - 1 & 1/4 Back Squat | Dubs + Box Step Ups + Ring Muscle Ups
-Wednesday: Strength - Push Press | EMOM of GHDS + Bench Press + Calorie Row + Farmers Carry
-Thursday: Strength - Push Up + Pull Up EMOM | Overhead barbell lunge + Burpees
-Friday: Strength - Clean and Jerk EMOM20 | :60s Row Sprint for max calories
-Saturday: Team Day