Bound Newsletter 1.18.2024
Bound Newsletter 1.19.2024
-Blog: It's Just Pain: Lessons from American Primeval
-New members, Upcoming Anniversaries, and Birthdays
-Journal Article: How to Lose Fat without Losing the Muscle
-Upcoming Events
-Recipe of the Week: Citrus Herb Grilled Flank Steak with Cucumber Tomato Salad
-Weekly Training Breakdown
Bound Newsletter 1.12.2024
Bound Newsletter 1.12.2024
-Welcome Palmer Davis Mench!
-Setting a Standard For Yourself: Building Daily Habits For Success
-Couples Conquer 2025 workouts
-Upcoming Schedule of Events
-CFJ Article: Kill Fake Hunger
-Weekly Training Breakdown
Bound Newsletter 1.6.2024
Bound Newsletter 1.6.2025
-Athlete of the Month: Brittany Karneol
-Braggin Board
-Upcoming Events for CFB in 2025
-CFJ Article: What is Metabolic Conditioning by Greg Glassman
-Weekly Training Breakdown Video is back!
Bound Newsletter 12.30.2024
Bound Newsletter 12.30.2024
-Reflect, Reset, and Rise: How to Learn from the Past Year and Set Goals for the Future
-Upcoming Schedule for New Years
-Upcoming Events
-CFJ Article: CrossFit The Fountain of Youth
-Recipe of the Week: Keto Creamy Garlic Chicken Skillet
Bound Newsletter 12.22.2024
Bound Newsletter 12.22.2024
-12x Days of Christmas workout
-This year by the numbers
-Attendances, Personal Records, Class Averages
-New Member
-Upcoming Schedule for Xmas/New Years
-CFJournal Article: Mental Toughness In CrossFit
-Recipe of the Week: Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry
-Weekly Training Breakdown
Bound Newsletter 12.15.2024
Bound Newsletter 12.15.2024
-Blog: Happiness Through Discipline: The Unexpected Path to Joy
-Don’t forget to sign up for upcoming Nutrition challenge in January!
-Bragging Board: 1 big lift and 2x scholastic achievements!
-Upcoming Xmas/New Years Schedule/Next Years Events
-CF Journal Article: Primer on Protein Part 6: The immune system
-Recipe of the Week: Cheeseburger Casserole
-Weekly Training Breakdown
Bound Newsletter 12.9.2024
Bound Newsletter 12.9.2024
-How bout the Dawgs!
-Athlete of the Month Highlight: Miguel Chavez
-Bragging Board Update
-Upcoming Bdays, Schedule for Holidays
-New Events added for next years schedule: January Nutrition challenge & Bring a Friend Week
-Hyrox Sign Up for Atlanta: April 26-27
-Protein Part 5: Antioxidants
-Recipe of the Week: Crockpot Garlic Parmesan Chicken Recipe
-Weekly Training Breakdown (excuse my yawns - lack of sleep :()_
Bound Newsletter 12.1.2024
Bound Newsletter 12.2.2024
-Gratitude: The gift of movement and life
-Upcoming Bdays, Bragging Board
-Nutritiion Seminar & Christmas Party this Saturday Dec 7
-CFJ Article: The Primer on Protein Part 4: Joints
-Recipe of the Week: Stuffed Turkey Bell Peppers
-Weekly Training Breakdown 12.2-12.7
Bound Newsletter 11.24.2024
Bound Newsletter 11.25.2024
-Welcome Jojo Linch *6 weeks early & momma and baby are both healthy
-Blog Post: “Why do you train?”
-Upcoming Schedules, Events, X-mas party, etc
-CrossFit Journal Article: Protein Part 3 - Mental Health
-Weekly Training Breakdown Nov 25-30
Bound Newsletter 11.16.2024
Bound Newsletters 11.17.2024
-Uredas & Ingrams welcome New Family Members!
-Blog Post: Set Goals - Create a Plan - Hold the Standard!
-Bragging Board from the last two weeks
-another Race has been added to the spring/summer for 2025
-CFJ Article: The Primer on Protein: Part 2 - Bones
-WTB this week we enter week 3 on current cycle
Bound Newsletter 11.10.2024
Bound Newsletter 11.11.2024
-Class Breakdown & Committed Club for October 2024
-Upcoming Schedule for Thanksgiving, Nutrition seminar, Xmas party, Xmas Schedule
-CFJ Article: The Primer on Protein - Part 1: What is Food for?
-WTB: Nov 11-18
Bound Newsletter 12.3.2024
Bound Newsletter 11.4.2024
-Athlete of the Month: Jennifer Valenti
-Upcoming Schedule of Events, Holiday Schedule, etc
-CF Journal Article: The Hopper and Fitness
-WTB: Nov 4-Nov10
Bound Newsletter 10.27.2024
-Blog Post: 3 Shared Elements between Training and Marriage
-New Members/Upcoming Member Bdays
-PR Board
-Upcoming Schedule - Nutrition Seminar + Xmas Party dates
*2025 Calendar of Events - Races, CrossFit Comps
-CrossFit Journal Article: CrossFit is Health: Using CrossFit to Rehab an Injury
-WTB for October 28-Nov 2
Bound Newsletter 10.13.2024
-We have two members weddings coming up this weekend!
-The Power of Community - Blog post
-Upcoming Schedule - Nutrition Seminar + Xmas Party dates
-CrossFit Journal Article: Prescribing CrossFit
-WTB for October 14-19
Bound Newsletter 10.7.2024
Bound Newsletter 10.7.2024
-Athlete of the Month: Casey Linch Interview
-PRs from last weeks Snatch/Clean and Jerks
-Breakdown of our new Performance, Build, and Endurance Tracks for the next 12 weeks
-Bring a Friend Week October 28th thru November 2nd
-Upcoming Member Bdays, Schedule Changes for Holidays, Gym Events, Etc
-Weekly Training Breakdown Video
Bound Newsletter 9.30.2024
-Pensacola Beach Brawl and big Orange Competitions this past weekend
-PR Board Update
-Upcoming Nutrition Seminar, Xmas Party and Nutrtition Challenge announcement to start new year!
-CFJournal Article: How much intensity is too much
-WTB Video (excuse the volume this will be fixed next week)
Bound Newsletter 9.23.2024
Bound Newsletter 9.23-9.28
- Congratulations Jen Wells!
- 'Be Yourself, No Matter What Life Throws Your Way'
- New Members, Schedule, Events, etc
- CF Journal Article: 'Don't Be Normal. Do CrossFit'
- WTB 9.23-9.28
Bound Newsletter 9.15-9.21
-The Power of Community
-All the Back Squat PRs
-Upcoming Events, Scheduling, Etc
-CF Journal Article: Meal Plans by Greg Glassman
-Weekly Training Breakdown
Bound Newsletter 9.9.24
-Last months class attendance breakdowns and the Committed Club
-Get your quarterly Inbody Scans
-Upcoming Schedule of Events,
-CFJ Article: Glycemic Index
-Weekly Training Breakdown
Bound Newsletter 9.2.2024
-Blog: "Difference between working out, training, and competing"
-Upcoming Bdays and New Members
-Labor Day Schedule and Weekly Training Breakdown
-CFJournal: Ask a Coach "What makes CrossFit, CrossFit?"