-Congratulations Sydney B on getting married!
-Riley Strong workout was a success (video coming soon)
-Bragging Board
-The Lifting Shoulder article
-Upcoming events/dates of importance
-Coaches calendar for the week
-Greg Glassman on the Mark Bell Podcast
-The Reflection poem by Dallas Wilkes
Bound Newsletter 10.29.2023
-Riley Strong Workout this Saturday
-Cliffy Young Story 61yro potato farmer who crushed a ultramarathon in Australia
-Bragging Board more babies, competitions, and nutrition challenge update
-Two more days to pre-order shirts
-Upcoming events *bring a friend week, class times for Thanksgiving and Christmas
-CFJ Article: how crossfit.com came to be by Greg Glassman
-This weeks Training
Bound Newsletter 10.22.2023
-Words are important
-Bragging Board
-New T-shirts/hoodies preorders this week
-CFJ Article: Seniors and Kids by Greg Glassman
-This weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 10.15.2023
-The story of the emperor moth
-Upcoming Schedule/Events
-CFJ Article: Health and Performance In and Out of the Gym
-This Weeks Workouts
Bound Newsletter 10.8.2023
-Blue Ridge Ultra Recap
-Calm | Confident | Consistent | Present
-Upcoming Events (next ultra!)
-Article: Running With Muscle
-This weeks workouts - start of next strength cycle
Bound Newsletter 10.1.2023
-A Week of PRs
-Central Governor Theory
-Bragging Board
-Upcoming events (xmas party)
-Eating for Health and Fitness article
-This weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 9.24.2023
- Predict your own future
- Class photo from 9.16
- New Members
- Bragging Board
- CFJArticle: How does CrossFit develop Aerobic Capacity
- This Weeks Workouts: Strength Test Week!
Bound Newsletter 9.17.2023
-Your enemy is your greatest strength
-New Members
-Upcoming Events
-CFJ - You don’t have to be old and broken
- This week’s workouts
- Podcast with Nick Bare and Chadd Wright
Bound Newsletter 9.3.2023
- Living by a Standard
- Welcome baby Brock Jones (momma doing great)
- New Members
- Big Bragging Board
- CFJ: How does CrossFit build strength and endurance?
- Upcoming Labor Day schedule
- One More Mile Documentary
Bound Newsletter 8.27.2023
- CrossFit is T.S.A.F.E.
- Upcoming Labor Day Schedule
- Upcoming Events
- New Members
- 3 best ab exercises
- This weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 8.21.2023
-Mayhem recap
-Upcoming schedule for Labor Day
-Upcoming Trail Run
-CFJournal - Threshold Training
Bound Newsletter 8.13.2023
-CrossFit for masters athletes (or general population) with Chris Hinshaw
-Bragging Board
-Journal article of the week
-Upcoming events
-signing up for recovery room
Bound Newsletter 8.6.2023
- Another BABY!
- Jason Callis last day coaching is Monday 8/8
- CF Games Champions
- Bragging Board
- Upcoming events/ Recovery Room signup
- How to win the games Journal Article
- BPs list and this weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 7.30.2023
-How much should you be lifting?
-Upcoming events
-Recovery Room Sign-ups for members ($15mth)
-New Members
-Bragging Board
-Understanding CrossFit Article
-BPs List
Bound Newsletter 7.23.2023
-Exercise vs Training
-Bragging Board
-Upcoming Events
-CFJ Article Going Deep on Squats
-This Weeks Workouts
-BPs List
Bound Newsletter 7.16.2023
-July 4 photos
-Programming Update
-New Shirts available online
-Upcoming Events
-CFJ article on Strength training
-This Weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 7.9.2023
-You need to Decide
-Helen PRs
-Upcoming Events (discount code for Blue Ridge Ultra!)
-Article of Week: Strong Enough
-Upcoming Workouts
-Couple of Really good podcasts one with Rich and Brandon doing a wedding day workout
Bound Newsletter 7.2.2023
-Recovery Room opens Wednesday, July 5th. Get signed up and reserve your spot
-Upcoming schedule changes for the 3/4 of July
-Benefits of Compression Pants and Infrared Sauna
-CFJ Article: How CrossFit will change your body by Mike G
-Upcoming Workouts
-BPs List
Bound Newsletter 6.25.2023
-Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
-July 1st,3rd,4th schedule
-Upcoming events
-New Members
-Journal Article from Lon Kilgore *really good
-This weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 6.18.2023
-Make good choices
-Tuesday WHydration Kennesaw is visiting the afternoon sessions to show our members the products they offer.
-Mayhem on the Mountain is around the corner.
-Bill Starr's article on mental visualization during strength training
-Upcoming schedule for July 4th
-No Kids Class 6/19 (Monday) or July 3rd
- This week’s workout (girl workout of the week - Nicole)