Bound Newsletter 10.8.2023
This past weekend we had a huge turnout for the Blue Ridge Ultra. We had members complete the 15k/30k/50k events. The elevation gain was something none of us expected and had to overcome.
Dr. Sydney Bova finished 3rd overall in the 30k! Christian Schramm ran a sub 7 hour 50k (crazy), Jennifer Valenti was 1st overall in the female masters for the 30k, Jeb Buffington was 3rd overall in the male masters for the 30k, and Chloe Cleveland finished 5th in the 15k.
Each and every person in these photos (and not pictured) had to overcome adversity - from physical pain to pure exhaustion, to cramping, and our minds telling us to just stop. We all overcame and succeeded from the top times to the slowest - we all got better today and I could not be prouder for everyone.
Thoughts from the Blue Ridge Ultra:
This ultra was extremely taxing. I don’t know the exact elevation gains from the 15 to 30k but the 50k was a close to 8000ft ascended. The 15/30k route had their share of climbing as well. It was brutal on the body but more on the mind. I was fortunate enough to have Christian and Zeth step up and do the 50k the day before. Without them I would have been much slower (slower than Jeb’s time from last year :)
During mile 15 both hamstrings began to show signs of cramping, for me this is bad because my climbing muscles are what get me through these events. I had to create a quick plan to keep me focused on my pacing, breathing, and mental state. I started repeating 4 phrases over and over:
Be Calm - Be Confident - Be Consistent - Be Present
Being Calm requires you to slow down and think about your actions and thoughts. I had to be deliberate in actions and control my thoughts of the cramping, pain, and fear of having to quit.
Being Confident required me to trust our training at CFB. I did a few long runs and our Tuesday running interval workouts on the assault runner. I did zero trail/mountain training leading up to this. We train for everything at Bound, so you are capable of doing whatever you want when you want.
Being Consistent required me to think about maintaining my strides, running the flat sections, and hiking at the same pace up hills, being deliberate in each aid station refueling and rehydrating for my needs.
Being Present required me to think about my next step, next breathe, next aid station. We knew going out it would be 7 hours, we did not know about the amount of elevation. When the elevation kept increasing in intensity and we are 3 to 3 1/2 hours into the race. Thinking about the finish line would not help being 15-16 miles away. We just focused on getting to the next aid station.
As you can tell these are simple strategies to apply to all areas of our lives. I know I will use these on a daily basis. Hopefully they can help you as well.
Bragging Board:
- everyone who completed the ultra this past weekend. You guys are rock stars. The community is amazing.
- Brittany Karneol - PR on Kelly
-Curt Ayers - PR on Kelly
- Quentin Duncan - PR on Kelly
Logan Brown finishing 3rd in local comp
New Members:
Natalie Gordon
Santez and Sheri Kindred
Anna Pengil
Upcoming Events/Schedule:
Nutrition Challenge Starts tomorrow. Miles will accept late entries this week. Reach out if you want more information.
October 28th - Trackside Competition at CrossFit Bound!
Teams of 2 MM/FF - Rx and Scaled division
We do need volunteers.
November 6-10th - Bring a Friend Week!
December 2nd - Bound Christmas Party from 6-8:30 pm
February 24.2024 - Elsi Enduro Trail Ultra in Ringgold Ga.
This is a last-man-standing format. You will complete a 2.5-mile loop every 40 minutes until you stop, reach your goal distance, or win by being the last one to complete a full lap.
Check out the Website HERE
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: Running with Muscle by Hilary Achauer
“I’ll show up to a lot of these races, and I am the biggest girl among a lot of my competitors that are running seven-minute miles. It’s kind of hard, but it’s awesome, too, because I get to show people out there that you can run with muscle and you don’t have to completely watch the way that you eat and make sure you aren’t gaining a pound here or there,” she said…..
Hinshaw goes on to say….Building strength in the entire body also helps create stability, Hinshaw said.
“A marathon runner deep into their race, (in) the 18th or 19th, the 20th mile … efficiency starts to fail,” Hinshaw said.
Strengthening ligaments, tendons and muscles throughout the body can help a long-distance runner support the body’s structure and stay efficient even under fatigue, he explained.
Stronger muscles, ligaments and tendons are less vulnerable to tears and strains, and a stronger muscle doesn’t need to work as hard as a weaker muscle, so it requires less oxygen and circulating blood. This, in turn, reduces the demand on the heart.
Another advantage of muscle is force absorption. The body absorbs three to four times the runner’s body weight with every step. Building strength helps the body absorb that force, reducing fatigue and preventing injury. Further, trained muscles produce force quickly and efficiently, which reduces ground contact time and improves overall speed as runners are propelled through the air….”
New Strength Cycle begins this week…..
We are starting a new strength cycle. We are not focused on specific lifts but maximizing the body parts on specific days.
Mondays - Upper Body Push + Lower Body Pulls
Wednesdays - Olympic Lift Focus
Fridays - Upper Body Pull + Lower Body Push
Tuesdays - will have a gymnastics skill/strength focus to begin followed by a metcon
Thursdays - will be longer metcons, endurance workouts, or High Intensity Interval Training
Saturdays - will be team workouts
This week’s workouts:
Strength :30s R/L Max Effort Single Arm DB Strict Press + 6-8 Sumo Deadlift (~60-70%) of 1RM | Body Weight Workout
Gymnastics - knee tuck hold + Ring Kip Swings + Straight arm to support on plates | Sprint Intervals of Shuttle Sprints + bike + DB Snatches
Strength: Power Clean & Jerk + Clean and Jerk EMOM | EMOM15 of GHD Situps + Thrusters + Crossovers
Workout: Push Ups + KB Swings into Rope Climbs + Overhead Squats into Walking lunges + Farmers Carry
Strength: :30s R/L Max Effort Standing Single Arm DB Row + 6-8 Front Squat (~60-70%) | Power Output Workout of Rowing Sprint Intervals
Saturday: A workout remembering Madison Scott Argo - a young man who trained with our friends at CrossFit Resurgens
For Time:
12 Snatches 135/95
30 Air Squats
60 Double Unders
12 Clean and Jerks 185/125
17 C2B pullups
30 Air Squats
60 Double Unders
12 Snatches 135/95
17 Bar Muscle Ups
30 Air Squats
60 Double Unders
This can be done as an individual or divided into teams of 2