Bound Newsletter 7.23.2023
-Exercise vs Training
-Bragging Board
-Upcoming Events
-CFJ Article Going Deep on Squats
-This Weeks Workouts
-BPs List
Bound Newsletter 7.16.2023
-July 4 photos
-Programming Update
-New Shirts available online
-Upcoming Events
-CFJ article on Strength training
-This Weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 7.9.2023
-You need to Decide
-Helen PRs
-Upcoming Events (discount code for Blue Ridge Ultra!)
-Article of Week: Strong Enough
-Upcoming Workouts
-Couple of Really good podcasts one with Rich and Brandon doing a wedding day workout
Bound Newsletter 7.2.2023
-Recovery Room opens Wednesday, July 5th. Get signed up and reserve your spot
-Upcoming schedule changes for the 3/4 of July
-Benefits of Compression Pants and Infrared Sauna
-CFJ Article: How CrossFit will change your body by Mike G
-Upcoming Workouts
-BPs List
Bound Newsletter 6.25.2023
-Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
-July 1st,3rd,4th schedule
-Upcoming events
-New Members
-Journal Article from Lon Kilgore *really good
-This weeks workouts
Bound Newsletter 6.18.2023
-Make good choices
-Tuesday WHydration Kennesaw is visiting the afternoon sessions to show our members the products they offer.
-Mayhem on the Mountain is around the corner.
-Bill Starr's article on mental visualization during strength training
-Upcoming schedule for July 4th
-No Kids Class 6/19 (Monday) or July 3rd
- This week’s workout (girl workout of the week - Nicole)
Bound Newsletter 6.11.2023
-Kids classes are back thanks to Laura Rutland!
-Choose the hard path
-Bragging board (new baby alert!)
-Upcoming events, July 4th schedule, and New Recovery Room!
-The Slow Lifts by Mark Rippetoe article
-Upcoming Workouts
Bound Newsletter 6.5.2023
-Champion Mindset
-Upcoming events (mayhem on mountain/blue ridge ultra)
-CrossFit: The cure for the common plague
-New Members
-Upcoming Workouts
Bound Newsletter 5.28.2023
-Memorial Day Murph Schedule (8:45 and 9:30 class only)
-Bragging Board
-New Members
-Upcoming Workouts
-The Holy Trinity of Strength exercises we will be focusing on following Hero Month
Bound Newsletter 5.23.23
-Training is a learning process
-Upcoming Memorial Day Schedule for Murph
sponsored by The Phoenix Organization. Food and Drinks provided
-New Members
-Upcoming Affiliation Dues being charged to accounts
-CFJ Article: the Lifting Shoulder. Focus towards upcoming strength cycle.
-This Weeks Hero Workouts
Bound Newsletter 5.14.2023
-Developing Self Confidence
-Bragging Board
-New Members
-Upcoming Hero Workouts
Bound Newsletter 5.7.2023
‘Be Willing’
-Bragging Board on members accomplishing great things outside of the gym
-Upcoming Hero Workouts
-Upcoming Events, Memorial Day Murph
-New Member Spotlight - Brittaney Haley
Bound Newsletter 4/30/23
-Hero Month - Goals
-All the PRs from last week *thank you Jacob McDougal for strength cycle
-Summer Shred nutrition challenge starts tomorrow still time to sign up
- Affiliation Dues
- Tie Dye Shirts & Memorial Day Murph
- Upcoming Workouts
Bound Newsletter 4.23.2023
Helenback results
Bragging Boards
Kelli McGrial Memorial Workout this Saturday
Testing Week starts tomorrow!
Upcoming Hero Workouts
Summer Shred Program starts May 1st
Bring a Friend Week May 1st-6th
*we have a lot going on.
Bound Newsletter 4.17.2023
10 year anniversary - Thank you!
Upcoming Race details - Summer Shred Program - Bring a Friend Week - Affiliate Dues in May
What is a Deadlift Article
Hero Month Shirts available for purchase on WheelPay
Bound Newsletter 4.9.23
-Helenback signups are today!!
-CF Journal article on 5 steps to find success with nutrition
-This weeks workouts
-Testimonial preview - Sarah Little
Bound Newsletter 4.3.2023
- Age Group Qualifiers complete
- Joseph House and his battle with cancer
- 3 Core Exercises by Greg Glassman
- This weeks team workouts
- Tim Ferris Podcast with Kelly Starrett
Bound Newsletter 3.26.2023
-Nutrition Challenge is over results
-Bragging Board power clean PRs!
-Upcoming Schedule
-Upcoming Workouts
-Thoughts on this years Open?
“Dreams don’t work, unless you do”
- quarterfinals results
- bragging board from last week
- This weeks tester workout ‘fight gone bad’
Bound News 5.12.2023
Upcoming quarterfinals
-comparing yourself is good
-Hang Test and Row Repeats for Tuesday
-Bragging Board and a 1-mile time chart to see how you stack up with the average American (you’ll be impressed)
-upcoming schedule changes