Bound News 3.5.2023
- The Open is over; check out the photos Brittany and Kara put together for us
- Upcoming Training for the next 8 weeks leading up to Hero Month
- April Events
- HSPU article from CF Journal, for those wanting to improve your HSPU after this Open Workout.
Bound News 2.26.2020
- Think of yourself as a athlete
- One week left in the Open
- Week 3 nutrition challenge winner
- Article of the Week is not from the CF Journal
- Upcoming Events
- This weeks training
- Last Huberman Podcasts with Dr. Andy Galpin on Nutrition, Supplements, and Hydration
Bound Newsletter 2.20.2023
-week 2 winner of the nutrition challenge
-1st week of the Open performances
-New running workouts for Helenback
-Huberman/Galpin podcast on assessing current fitness and prescribing workouts to increase overall fitness
Bound Newsletter 2.12.2023
Couples Conquer recap
The Phoenix Organization sponsors the Open and Friday Night Lights at CrossFit Bound
New Huberman Lab podcast with Dr. Andy Galpin assessing your fitness
Bound Newsletter 2.5.2023
Bound News 2.5.2023
Bring a Friend Week starts tomorrow!
Couples Conquer Saturday - No Class!
Upcoming Workouts
Awesome Podcast you must listen to
Bound News Letter 1.29.2023
Bound Newsletter
-Nutrition Challenge this week!
-Bring a Friend Week starts Feb 6-10. We’ll release workouts early so you can let your friends know what to expect!
-Helenback Race in April Training Program will begin this week on Tuesday and Friday check out sugarwod
Bound News Letter 1.22.2023
Bound Newsletter
-upcoming Nutrition Challenge is to begin next week!
-Bring a Friend Week starts Feb 6-10. We’ll be releasing workouts early so you can let your friends know what to expect!
-Helenback Race in April Training Program will begin February
Bound News Letter 1.15.2023
Mental toughness and resilience fade if they aren’t used consistently. I say it all the time: you are either getting better, or you’re getting worse. You’re not staying the same. - David Goggins
Upcoming MLK Schedule | Upcoming Events - Bring a Friend Week; CFB Nutrition Challenge; Couples Conquer; Endurance Events
Bound News Letter 1.8.2023
“You have been preoccupied by BS for way too long. It’s time to switch your focus to the things that will slingshot you forward.”― David Goggins
Aritcle on New Years resolution study | Upcoming Events | Upcoming Workouts | Some cool podcasts to check out
Bound Newsletter 01.01.2023
Happy New Year. We have a lot planned for CFB in 2023. Check out our upcoming schedule, challenges, events, programming, and more.
Bound Newsletter 12.25.2022
Merry Christmas!
upcoming schedule and programming to finish out 2022!
Bound Newsletter 12.18.2022
-Bragging Board is full this week!
-Upcoming events (lots of events through spring)
Bound Newsletter 12.12.2022
Lift For a Gift success! Upcoming holiday schedule, programming update leading to the opening, and PRs coming up on the squat and push press
Bound News Letter 12.4.2022
-Lift for a Gift and Xmas gathering this Saturday. LFG is 9-11 am, and hang out til 12:30 (BYOB).
-Bragging Board is packed from the past couple of weeks
-Schedule for Xmas and New Years
-Some really cool article and videos
Bound Newsletter 11.27.2022
Upcoming Schedule for Christmas Parade, Lift for a Gift, Christmas Party, and Christmas Schedule.
Bound Newsletter 11.20.2022
Upcoming Thanksgiving Schedule, December Events (parade,xmas party, lift for a gift),
Bound Newsletter 11.13.2022
-Bragging on Memberships accomplishments outside of the gym
-Upcoming Thanksgiving Schedule
-New Merchandise available online
-New Book - ‘Breathe’
-”Breathe and Fire” mental cues to use while working out
Bound Newsletter 11.7.2022
Heidi and Lee attend the Marietta Fire Fitness Challenge this past weekend!
Upcoming Thanksgiving Schedule | The Importance of Self Affirmation CrossFit Video | This Weeks Workouts | Podcast on the importance of breathing
Bound News 10.30.2022
Upcoming Events, Schedules, New Apparel Line Coming, Update on programming, and more!
Bound News - 10.23.2022
10.13.22 class photos, Upcoming Schedule Saturday Change, Client PRs & Celebrations, New Merch, etc