Bound Newsletter 3.26.2023
Logan Brown
Quarterfinals placement for the CFB Crew:
- Logan Brown 157th
- Nicole Corey 2069th
- Jeffrey Johnson 1357th
- Curt Ayers 2475th
Bragging Board:
- Jennifer Valentin - Power Clean Pr; First Strict Pull up ever!
- Tyler Haygood - Power Clean Pr
- Mary Turner - Power Clean Pr
- Katherine Myers - PR post surgery :)
- Savannah Thompson - Power Clean PR
- Jenny Busbee - Power Clean PR
- Bianca Tedesco - Power Clean PR
6-Week Nutrition Challenge is over!
Top Results:
Jenn and Jeff Valenti - total of 23.2lbs between the two of them and 3% body fat. both lost a total of 2.5+inches around there hips and 3 inches around the waist.
Eric Harvey - lost a total of 9.4lbs and 2.5% body fat
Jen Wells - lost 3.6lbs and 1.5% body fat
Jennifer Valenti is our Nutrition Challenge Winner.
Over the course of the 6 weeks Jenn lost a total of 9.2lbs, a body fat % of 3.2%, lost 2.8 inches on her hips and 3 inches around the waist.
In the gym Jenn recently set a new personal best in her power clean and completed her strict Pullup!
Consistency works. Congratulations Jenn
Upcoming Schedule and Events:
Upcoming CrossFit Open Quarterfinals Dates
Age-Group Quarterfinal: March 31 - April 2 ONLINE
*We’ll open the gym for everyone who qualifies and wants to complete the workouts. Get with Brandon, Jessica, or Miles to schedule your times/days.
April 22nd- Helenback 5k, Half Marathon, Marathon. Link/details below. Programming starts this week in SugarWod under Bound Endurance.
May we will be implementing our Affiliate Dues again this year. It will be $50 for each person this year. We will have a communication letter/video explaining why we took a break the past two years and why it’s returning.
Programming for the Helenback Series will be in the Bound Endurance Program on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Day 1 (Tuesday) -
100-200-300-400-300-200-100-200-300-400m Repeats*rest :90s btw each interval
Day 2 (Friday or Weekend)
45 Min Time Trial*repeat on the same trail from a few weeks ago
Journal Article of the Week: Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt — Higher Protein for Metabolic Health
Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt sits down with Mike Giardina to discuss focusing on high-protein foods to improve metabolic health. Dr. Eenfeldt is a Swedish doctor who specializes in family medicine. He is also the CEO of Diet Doctor.
According to Dr. Eenfeldt, most people in Westernized societies are not eating enough protein and eating too much processed food. Protein intake accounts for roughly 13-14% of their diet, he explains, while they should be eating closer to 25% or more. CrossFit athletes looking to improve health markers and body composition should eat 30% or more, Dr. Eenfeldt adds.
When people add good sources of protein to their diet, Dr. Eenfeldt explains, they usually end up decreasing their carbohydrate intake. The inverse is also true — when reducing processed carbohydrates, people tend to increase protein intake. This is important because eating processed carbohydrates can lead to overeating. According to Dr. Eenfeldt, this is why it is important to think about foods in terms of satiety — focusing on higher protein, energy density, and higher fiber. By focusing on foods that make us feel satiated longer, we also reduce hunger and intake. This can be an alternative for those who do not want to constantly weigh and measure their foods.
A good starting point for improving metabolic health is to eat meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. From there, optimization comes from keeping intake to levels that support exercise and not body fat. Essentially, eat natural, whole foods and only eat enough to support your activity level.
Workouts of the Week:
- Monday: Upper Body - Weighted and Strict Pull-ups | Burpee Pull-ups + KB Swings + Row Partner workout
- Tuesday: Back Squat | Elizabeth *squat cleans
- Wednesday: Snatch Olympic Skill Work | Quarterfinals Workout 2
- Thursday: Upper Body - Handstand Push Ups or Strict Press Work | PCJS with some Candy
- Friday: Strength: Thruster | Tabata with Deadlifts, Ring Support Hold, Front Squat, Toes To Bar
- Saturday: Partner AMRAP20 - Running + Power Snatch/OVHS/TTB
This weeks testing workout is Elizabeth. It is a workout we have not attempted in a while. It is a favorite one of mine and yes we are doing this with Squat Cleans. It is a traditional couplet of 21-15-9 Squat Cleans + Ring Dips. The ideal times are below:
Beginner: 10-14+ minutes. Intermediate: 7-10 minutes. Advanced: 4-7 minutes. Elite: <4 minutes.
Perfect reps are always the goal. This workout is no exception. The squat cleans require power and endurance. For many of you this portion will be broken up into single repetitions, if you choose touch n go, the 7-7-7; 5-5-5; 3-3-3 is always a great option. Ideally to do these TNG reps the weight needs to be <50% of less of your 1RM (ideally <35% of less). The ring dips will be the limiter for many. These require a tremendous amount of upper body strength, stability, and endurance in the shoulders, chest, and triceps. The Range of Motion is full lockout at top to the biceps/shoulders touching the rings in bottom of dip. DO NOT CHEAT DEPTH DUE TO FATIGUE - Integrity is a must.
Squat cleans can be scaled with load or movement. If you struggle with front rack position scale to dumbbells or a med-ball.
Ring Dips - to Dips on a box using Dumbbells for grips; or Dips on paralletes; Lastly to push ups.
BPs List: "
- Joe Rogan with Andrew Huberman Podcast
- Thoughts on the recent CrossFit Open. Here is Andrew Hillers analysis of the 2023 Open. What are you thoughts?