Bound Newsletter 11.19.2023
Jen, Heidi, and Lee representing at the Acworth 5k this past week!
A Time to Talk by Robert Frost
When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don’t stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven’t hoed,
And shout from where I am, What is it?
No, not as there is a time to talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit.
This Thanksgiving throw your distractions away, turn off the devices, and be with your family and friends.
Be intentional, be present, and be thankful!
Bragging Board:
Cody Porter - 1st Pullover and a 30lb Clean and Jerk PR!
Upcoming Schedule/Events:
December 2nd - Bound Christmas Party from 6:30-8:30pm
Please sign up to bring a side dish in front lobby
November 22nd & 24th - 8 and 9 am class only
November 23rd - NO CLASS
November 25th - 9am Class (Saturday)
December 22nd - no afternoon classes
December 23-25th - no classes
December 26th - TBD
February 10th - Couples Conquer Competition Details coming soon
February 23-25 - Elsi Enduro Last man standing running event in Ringgold Ga
February 29th - The Open Starts
March 1-7-14 will be the Friday Night Light Events
CFJ Article of the Week: Arthritis: You’ve Got to Keep Moving by Dr. Sean Rockett
“….My goal as an orthopedic surgeon is to help people be comfortable and capable of functioning in all different aspects of life. I want to avoid surgery until it is necessary. I usually tell people they will know when they are ready for surgery based on pain, lifestyle adjustments and disability. As you will see in this article, exercise is important for everyone—even people who have been diagnosed with arthritis.
After an initial diagnosis of arthritis, treatment usually starts with therapy exercises that include work on range of motion and strengthening—squatting, for example. Stronger quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes will improve function. An arthritic joint is going to stiffen up if the joint is not exercised—meaning ligaments will shorten and range of motion will decrease. “Move it or lose it” is definitely appropriate here.
Many studies show that exercise decreases symptoms in an arthritic knee (2,3,4).
CrossFit is perfect for people with arthritic joints because it pushes joint range of motion and also strengthens the muscles around those joints. For example, arthritic knees, ankles and hips will benefit from work on air squats…”
Training This Week:
This week will be a transition week with Thanksgiving coming up. Every workout this week will have a strength portion, mixed modal aerobic work, or a combination of both. The workouts are longer but that does not mean the intensity will be low. Tuesday and Wednesdays workouts even though long, have rest between each interval to keep intensity high. Monday and Saturday have some heavy lifting mixed with body weight or machine exercises to keep the lifting intensity high while the other part of the workout is meant to be deliberate and purposeful, maintaining a steady state style effort.
Monday - Workout with ascending hang power clean weight, high box jumps, DB Bench press, and a bike
Tuesday - Hell-enish style workout on a running clock. Do not underestimate the time intervals.
Wednesday - Pure aerobic power output with rowing + dubs + BBJO
Thursday - turkey day. Get out for a nice walk before and after your meals.
Friday - Row + DB Push Press + Walking lunges
Saturday - Heavy Deadlifts with a Girl Body weight circuit (Cindy or Mary)
*The week after Thanksgiving we are starting a new strength cycle alternating on a 2 week rotation of week 1 - 3 days a week of strength training and week 2 - 2x days a week of whole body strength training. Using this time to do more “CrossFit” Style conditioning and workouts to prepare for the upcoming open season.