Bound Newsletter 11.26.2023
Athlete Colton Heibeck raising the standard on cleans and facial hair….
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Check out this testimonial from Jamie Spratlin, 7 year member, mother-wife, and a perfect example of what CrossFit can do for someone when they focus on health over performance.
Upcoming Events/Schedule/Coaches Calendar
December 2nd - Saturday Classes will begin at 9am from now on
December 22nd - no afternoon classes
December 23-25th - no classes
December 26th - TBD
February 10th - Couples Conquer Competition Details coming soon
February 23-25 - Elsi Enduro Last man standing running event in Ringgold Ga
February 29th - The Open Starts
March 1-7-14 will be the Friday Night Light Events
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: Cancer Loves Cookies by Brittany Saline
“….Biochemistry suggests the incidence of high insulin and cancer is more than a correlation. Elevated insulin levels can result in increased availability of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), a receptor found on cell membranes—including cancer cells—that activates molecules that signal cell growth, explained Dr. Eugene Fine, a clinical professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, New York…”
Workouts of the Week:
Monday: Strength: Strict Press + Weighted Pull ups | For Time of Front Squats and Double Unders
Tuesday: Strength: Snatch Oly Work | EMOM with bike + GHD Situps + Power Snatches + Rope Climbs
Wednesday: Strength: Power Clean + Box Jumps | AMRAP of running + Renegade Rows + Burpee Broad Jumps
Thursday: Gymnastics Strength/Skill Development + Interval Circuit of Row + Push Press & BBJO + Ring Muscle Ups
Friday: Strength: Back Squat + Plyometric Push Ups | 400m Sprint Intervals | Medball Circuit
Saturday: Team Workout