Bound Newsletter 11.12.2023
Make it to the gym, eat like we tell you, and enjoy yourself. - Greg Glassman
Why do we focus on the compound lifts and getting stronger?
To quote Mark Rippetoe “Strength is an excellent example of a physical characteristic that drives improvement in other athletic parameters. More strength means more power, more endurance, better coordination, and better everything else. This is why, all other things being equal, the stronger athlete is the better athlete.”
Now I want to replace a couple of words with the same quote “Strength is an excellent example of a physical characteristic that drives improvement in other 'movement’ parameters. More strength means more power, more endurance, better coordination, and better everything else. This is why, all other things being equal, the stronger our ‘client’ is - the better.”
Strength training is simple - add more load, increase the reps, overtime you become stronger. Mastering the movements of compound lifts - Squat, Press, Deadlift on the other hand (and depending on how many different IG accounts you follow) can be difficult. Because everyone teaches these lifts differently. But we can all agree that stance, grip, bracing our core, maintaining a tight mid line, and keeping the bar in the midline (or center of gravity) throughout the entire range of motion is a practical application for any and all lifts. Whats miraculous about these precise and coordinated ‘functional’ movement patterns, is that they translate over to all other movement. We can apply the same principles to gymnastics, olympic lifting, even running, rowing, biking, whatever.
So why don’t we do the new super awesome movements or complexes we see IG accounts doing all the time. Because they are looking for followers to like their stuff, not actual results for you. The average person needs to focus on the main lifts. If you can do a tempo squat, press, deadlift with a weight at or over body weight that creates balance, coordination, and symmetry in the body. When we loose focus during the lift or didn’t take the right approach in creating tension, especially in the midline or allow the body to deviate away from midline in any lift we may find injury or a pulled muscle.
I only mention this to hopefully get you to focus on what matters and don’t allow the internet to move your focus to some new cool movement thats suppose to increase your strength, create a stronger core, or whatever. Because if you squat, press, and deadlift more, your legs are stronger, your arms are stronger, your core is stronger, your coordination and balance have improved, and your improving your range of motion.
Keep it Simple!
Bragging Board:
- Hannah Spratlin set a personal best in her times for both the 50m and 100m Freestyle Swim since starting her season at Kennesaw Mountain and a Back Squat and Power Clean PR
- Casey Linch - got his first casual Bar Muscle Up!
- Jesus completed a 50ft handstand walk with the help of Chloe
- Christian Schramm - 10lb PR on his back squat and 5lbs on his bench press
Congratulations Savannah and Tyler on your baby number 1!
Upcoming Schedule - Events - Competitions:
December 2nd - Bound Christmas Party from 6:30-8:30pm
details about food and event will be released soon
November 22nd & 24th - 8 and 9 am class only
November 23rd - NO CLASS
November 25th - 9am Class (Saturday)
December 22nd - no afternoon classes
December 23-25th - no classes
December 26th - TBD
February 10th - Couples Conquer Competition Details coming soon
February 23-25 - Elsi Enduro Last man standing running event in Ringgold Ga
February 29th - The Open Starts
March 1-7-14 will be the Friday Night Light Events
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: Fitness Luck and Health: Fitness can prevent chronic disease—the cause of 70 percent of deaths in the United States.
Medicine has no effective treatment for chronic disease: It is symptomatic only. The doctor gives you a drug to bring your cholesterol down, a different drug to raise your bone density. You might need bariatric surgery if you have morbid obesity. If you have paved-over coronary arteries, they can do bypass surgery. If you become glucose intolerant, the doctor can put you on insulin. But all of these are not fixes. They are masking the problem. If you have persistent malignant hypertension, you should take an antihypertensive if you cannot get your blood pressure down otherwise. But how would you get it down otherwise?
CrossFit Inc. holds a uniquely elegant solution to the greatest problem facing the world today. It is not global warming or climate change. It is not the worst two choices imaginable for president. It is chronic disease. The CrossFit stimulus—which is constantly varied high-intensity functional movement coupled with meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar—can give you a pass on chronic disease. It is elegant in the mathematical sense of being marked by simplicity and efficacy. It is so simple.
Seventy percent of deaths in the United States are attributable to chronic disease. Of the 2.6 million people who died in the United States in 2014, about 1.8 million died from chronic disease. This pattern of increasing deaths due to chronic diseases also holds in countries that are ravaged by infectious disease. The numbers are rising, and when we finally add the positron-emission-tomography-positive cancers in, the number might be 80-85 percent in the United States. It is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that the United States could have up to a hundred million diabetics in 2050. That will affect everyone. You will not go into the emergency room for something as simple as a broken arm: You will be seeing heart attacks on every corner. Medicine has no solution; you do. CrossFit—with meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar—will help you avoid all of this.
Continue reading the full article following the link below. Well worth the 5-10 minutes.
Weekly Training This Week:
Monday: Strength - Upper Body Press + Lower Body Pull | Mixed Modal Aerobic Work
Tuesday: Handstand Hold Skill Work | Interval Work with Gymnastics + DB Bost Step Ups | Hang Squat Cleans
Wednesday: Snatch Work | Run + Pull ups + Overhead Squats
Thursday: Interval Work with Gymnastics + Aerobic Power output
Friday: Strength - Upper Body Pull + Lower Body Push | Clean and Jerk Workout
Saturday: Team Workout