Bound Newsletter 12.3.2023
Jeb Buffington has been a long-time member of the gym. Looking at Jeb from the outside you’ll see a family man with a job that demands a lot of time and energy, but he still finds the time to dedicate to his health and fitness.
Check out his full testimony below to see why he trains with us, and how training helps him perform better as a husband, father, and in business.
Bragging Board:
Hannah Spratlin setting more personal records in the 100m Freestyle this time!
New Members:
Henry Gruner
Cole McNall
Upcoming Events, Schedule Changes:
December 2nd - Saturday Classes will begin at 9 am from now on
December 22nd - no afternoon classes
December 23-25th - no classes
December 26th - TBD
February 10th - Couples Conquer Competition Details coming soon
February 23-25 - Elsi Enduro Last man standing running event in Ringgold Ga
February 29th - The Open Starts
March 1-7-14 will be the Friday Night Light Events
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: DEVIL IN THE DIET by Andrea Maria Cecil
“In simple terms, this fat phobia that’s been created by (federal) guidelines and health organizations who have embraced these guidelines (has) backfired as people have tried to replace fat with carbohydrates.” —Jeff Volek
Read the full article below
This Week’s Workouts:
Monday: Interval style training with barbell with Hang Squat Cleans + PC/FS/PJ AMRAP + Thruster/Lat Burpee + Core
Tuesday: whole body strength training EMOM followed by Rowing Sprint Intervals
Wednesday: Long Mixed Modal Workout focus on aerobic development
Thursday: Whole body strength training Day followed by Echo Bike Sprint Intervals
Friday: Split Jerks + Box Jumps | AMRAP with wall balls Burpees and Rope climbs
Saturday: Partner workout