Bound Newsletter 9.9.24
Katherine Myers putting in that work :)
Last Months Numbers:
Total participants in class: 1,367
Average Attendance by class:
4pm - 12x
12 pm - 11x
5:15pm - 8x
6:30am; 6:30pm; 9am- 5x each
Committed Club: So I’ve been seeing a lot of gyms starting there committed club. Since we have the systems in place to show us who has been coming in why not start now! To be in the committed club you have to attend or train following our program online 15 or more classes/workouts a month.
Below you will find that person and the number of classes/workouts posted from last month
Jeb Buffington: 26
Nicolas White: 25
Michael Jamorksi (remote): 23
Matt Schuster: 22
Meghan Willis: 22
Julie Chambers: 22
Kyle Rice: 22
Natalie Gordon: 21
Mary Turner: 20
Jim Blackhall: 20
Casey Linch: 20
Dylan Porter: 20
Ryan Allen: 19
Paul Watson: 18
Jonathan Primo: 18
Jenni Pettit: 18
Brittany Karneol (remote): 17
Alex Willis: 17
Andrew Hamlin: 17
Melanie Venable: 17
Sydney Bova: 16
Trevor Maloney: 16
Hannah Woodman: 16
Austin Willis: 16
Brian Chambers: 15
Brittany Marshall: 15
Ryan Boone: 15
Our Quarterly Check Ins with Clients:
We have always encouraged our members to check in with us on a quarterly basis (once every 3 months). Why? to ensure accountability and progress to reach your personal goals. These check ins take 5-10 minutes. They are not a nutrition consult but a health and wellness consult to see where you are and see how we, as coaches, can help you reach your goals or perhaps set new goals. This can be anything from weight loss to muscle gain, to training for an upcoming event (that doesn’t have to be crossfit related).
We are here to help you and serve you better. You can sign up for a in body scan by following our website and purchasing a free Athlete Check In so we can reach out to get a time set up for you.
Follow the link below to get signed up today
New Members:
Juan Alvarado
Bragging Board:
Jenni Busbee progress from 2019 to present
Jenni started her journey at CrossFit Bound weighing in at 212lbs. Fast forward to now and she is down to 160lbs, losing nearly 20% of body fat and gaining over 5lbs of muscle.
Can’t say how proud I am of her and how far along she has come. This is what consistency and dedication looks like. It takes time to create new habits that stink for a lifetime. I can’t wait to see her continuing progress over the next couple of years!
Hayden, Melanie, and Britt showing off their fitness in a local 5k this past weekend.
Upcoming Birthdays;
- Trevor Maloney Sep 11
- Cody Cobb Sept 13
- Jason Moore Sep 13
-Sydney Cobb Sep 15
-Greg Brooks Sep 17
-Eriko Moore Sep 22
-Kalie Payne Sep 23
-Grant Griffin Sep 28
-Sarah Little Sep 28
-Trevor Lampe Sep 29
-Kara Everill Sep 30
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: The Glycemic Index by Greg Glassman
“….A new age is dawning in nutrition: one where the culprit is seen not as dietary fat but as excess consump- tion of carbohydrate—particularly refined or processed carbohydrate. In fact, there’s an increasing aware- ness that excess carbohydrates play a dominant role in chronic diseases such as obesity, coronary heart dis- ease, many cancers, and diabetes. This understanding comes directly from current medical research. Amazingly, the near-universal per- ception that dietary fat is the major culprit in obesity has no scientific foundation….”
WTB: 9.9-9.16.2024