Bound Newsletter 12.17.2023

“Forget your excuses. You either want it bad or don't want it at all.”

The holiday seasons is one of the greatest times of the year. Time with family and friends, a time where we can focus on our loved ones in the season of giving. But it’s also one of the worst times of the year when it comes to excuses on not focusing on your health and wellness. Let’s face it the holidays are stressful…like really stressful. With the family and friends everyone wants your time and you want to give it to them. In the mix of all that many people neglect the gym. It’s one of the first ‘hobbies’ to go out the window.
If you’re anything like me. That alone causes anxiety, it’s not the fact that I’m getting ‘less fit’. It’s because this time of year exercise helps manage my stress. When I train I get to focus on nothing but the next rep. I don’t have to worry about the presents I need to get, errands I need to run, the upcoming family/business event. I just focus on the next rep, that’s all I have control over.
I encourage all of you to create a timeline of each day the next couple of weeks. Put the must downs first - kids, work, trips to and from work, grocery store runs, etc. Then put in a time to workout. If you can’t make it to the gym. No worries, I have a “At home workout guide” thats all body weight exercises you can use (see link below). Stay healthy physically and mentally this holiday season. Enjoy the time with friends and family. Give your time and be present when your with the loved ones.

Bragging Board:

  • Lee Crase getting a PR on consecutive double unders. Never too young to make PRs :)

New Members:

  • Evelyn Brezell

  • Jenni Bristini

Upcoming Christmas Schedule, Events, Etc:

  • December 22nd - No 5:15 pm class

  • December 23 - 9 am Class

  • December 24-25th - no classes

  • December 26th - 8 and 9 am Class only

  • February 10th - Marathon row Event for Love Organization

  • February 23-25 - Elsi Enduro Last man standing running event in Ringgold Ga

  • February 29th - The Open Starts

    • March 1-7-14 will be the Friday Night Light Events

  • April 27th - Bound Brawl Team Competition

CrossFit Journal Article: Why CrossFit Coaches are the Best in the Business by Brittany Saline

”A CrossFit coach cares about strengthening your mind just as much as your body, and because CrossFit coaches mission is rooted in service, odds are they’ll be there to support you both in and outside of the gym….”

This Week’s Workouts:

Monday: Push / Pull Whole Body weightlifting day | Row Sprint Intervals with a partner

Tuesday: 12 Days of Christmas Workout

Wednesday: Whole Body Strength Training Day | Bike Sprint Intervals

Thursday: Interval Training with Running + DB Snatches + Box Jumps + Pullups + Double Unders

Friday: Strength work - Front Squat + Jerks | Lunges + SHSPU

Saturday: Team Workout


Bound Newsletter 12.25.2023


Bound Newsletter 12.11.2023