Bound Newsletter 12.25.2023
Welcome Jackson Chambers! Born December 22, 2023
Momma and Jackson are doing great!
Merry Christmas everyone…
I hope you are happy and grateful to have the life you are living right now. I hope you are right where you want to be in life and creating a happier and healthier future for you and your family. Let’s finish the year strong.
Meg and Alex Willis Testimonial.
Bragging Board:
Cody Porter - 10lb Push Press PR for 3 reps
Ashton P - 225lb push press for 3 reps
Miguel hit a 9 tile or 36 ft Handstand Walk PR!
Dr. Jen Wells still making headlines with her doctors saying the M.S. has made zero progress. Wishes he could get his other patients to do what Jens doing.
Upcoming Schedule, Events, Seminars, Coaches Calendar
December 26th - 8 and 9 am Class only
January 1st - 8 and 9 am Class only
January 6th - 9 am Pregnancy and postpartum fitness seminar with Coach Tricia Wasielewski
an overview of training strategies and considerations during pregnancy and postpartum.
Some of the topics we’ll look at:
Mindset during pregnancy/postpartum and how that may affect training seasons
What scaling might look like during each trimester
Best practices in returning to training after birth
Diastasis- what it is, why we shouldn’t fear it, and what steps we can take to avoid making it worse
Common postpartum experiences that can affect training: ie incontinence, diastasis, prolapse, pelvic pain, etc + how to navigate those challenges
Everyone’s favorite- how to not pee during double unders (or other movements that put stress on the pelvic floor)
February 10th - Marathon row Event for Love Organization
February 23-25 - Elsi Enduro Last man standing running event in Ringgold Ga
February 29th - The Open Starts
March 1-7-14 will be the Friday Night Light Events
April 27th - Bound Brawl Team Competition
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: Physician: “He’s basically cured his diabetes” by ANDRÉA MARIA CECIL
“Pete was in a common situation for many patients in that his weight was not ideal. And early on he did not have significant health problems from that,” said Dr. J. Harry Isaacson, Katz’s physician of roughly 15 years. Isaacson is also assistant dean for clinical education at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine in Ohio.
“Many people end up crossing a threshold … where they start to accumulate different health problems from their weight.” For Katz, that threshold was a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis at the age of 41. “That’s a whole different ball game,” Isaacson said. To treat the disease, the doctor prescribed oral medication.
After three years, it wasn’t enough. So Isaacson prescribed an inject - able drug. This was in addition to Katz’s treatments for anxiety and high blood pressure. Injecting himself with medicine and constantly monitoring his insulin put enough fear into Katz that he finally heeded the advice Isaacson had long been giving him: Change your diet and start exercising.
Before then, Katz had tried multiple diets and exercise programs over the years; nothing stuck. This time, he started following the Paleo Diet. About a month later—in November 2012—he had his first class at CrossFit Painesville in Ohio. Six months after that, Katz was able to discontinue all of his medications. “He’s basically cured his diabetes with his attention to lifestyle,” Isaacson said. He added: “For someone to go off medications and control it, it’s quite uncommon, actually.” The doctor called Katz’s ability to affect his own health “remark - able.”
This Weeks Workouts:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Strength - Strict Press + Bulgarian Split Squats | Wall Ball and Deadlift Workout
Wednesday: Strength - Power Clean and Jerk EMOM | Double Under + Push Up Workout
Thursday: Mixed Modal Aerobic Work with Rowing + Farmers Carry + Strict Toes To Bar/V-Up/GHD Sit up + Bear Crawl
Friday: Strength - Weighted Chin ups + Bench Press | AMRAP of Running + KB Swings + Burpee Box Jump Overs
Saturday: 3-part series workout