Bound Newsletter 4.22.2024
In case you missed it, the CrossFit Games Quarterfinals were this weekend. We had several athletes sign up to compete with these tough workouts!
Bound Bragging Board:
Logan Brown finished Quarterfinals Workout 2 (wall ball/burpee box jump over) in 18+ minutes!
Grant Griffin finished Quarterfinals Workout 3 (HSPU/TTB/RC/Ring Muscle Up) in 10+ minutes!
Jeb Buffington is sitting in the top 50 of the world after Workouts 1/2 Submissions in quarterfinals. Jeb will need top 100 I believe to move onto the semi finals
Logan Brown is sitting in 91st place after workouts 1/2 submissions. He needs top 40 to advance to semifinals
Tyler Cory completed Workout 2 within the time cap this past Saturday - RESPECT!
Bound Crew went to Helenback Trail Runs. Good to see the little ones doing tough things!
Good times had by all
Upcoming Birthdays:
Mary Lubbers - April 24
Missy Ureda - April 26
Casey Linch - April 27
Erin Jones - April 28
Upcoming Events, Scheduling, Coaches Calendar
May 1st - HERO Month begins!
May - Affiliation Fee are due. $50 per member. This is going towards new equipment and costs for upkeep of current equipment and facility. Will be presenting a detailed breakdown of needs for everyone next newsletter.
Schedule is subject to change
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: Gymnailing It: Jerks Via Cartwheel by Pamela Gagnon
“….Ever rolled your eyes at a CrossFit coach who puts cartwheels in the warm-up when the workout calls for split jerks?
The movements have more in common than you might think.
Consider CrossFit’s Theoretical Hierarchy of Development: weightlifting and throwing sit atop a foundation of gymnastics. The better you can move your own body through space, the better you’ll be able to move something else.
Both cartwheels and barbell movements require good body and spatial awareness, timing, coordination, flexibility and balance. Let’s take a closer look at the similarities….”
This is a great article reinforcing ‘everything helps everything’. So many clients and CrossFitters over the years have focused so much on lifting heavy weights rather than improving their abilities on their hands, they either end up injured or just burned out when they fail lift after lift. I know several people who have an great overhead mobility, stability, and strength in relation to their bodyweight; that when they start to implement the lifts they surpass those who neglect the work on their hands. Read the article and get ready to be inverted.
This Weeks Training Breakdown