Bound Newsletter 7.28.2024
Testing Week is here!
All the work from the past 8 weeks is about to pay off. We are going to have some fun lifting heavy this week. This is going to be different than testing weeks from the past. Brief breakdown below and video uploaded soon.
Testing Week - What to expect and how to approach…
We will be testing our lifts from the strength days.
Power Clean and Jerk
Power Snatch
Back / Front Squat
Bench Press / Strict Press.
These lifts will be done up to a 1RM. Now with this, if you are a novice to experienced lifter you should have a good communication between your mind and body and know where you are. Safety is number one. For most lifts making a 5lb jump is significant, while those who have been training for years may want to use the .5 to 1lb plates to make that PR attempt.
If you are a beginner, you work up to something that you have not lifted before. Ask a coach to put eyes on you and watch you lift. This will give you confidence both in your ability and having a spotter there with you.
Each lift will get 12 minutes. Some of the heavy lifters in our gym may need more time especially those with squats in the 400+ range.
Give yourself ONE Re-attempt at a lift. Do not spend time trying to make one lift. You get it or you don’t.
Wednesday - Gymnastic Day
This is new for us as well. We are testing our Strict Handstand Push Up, Toes To Bar, and Ring Muscle Ups. I know these are very difficult for many people. But thats the point, these should be difficult and give you a goal to work towards.
You will get 3 attempts to complete as many reps as possible in each 3. Following the third attempt you move on.
For many 1x SHSPU and 1x RMU will be a massive accomplishment. While others may be in the high 10s to 20+ for each one of these movements. Thats amazing! But remember there’s a reason why you do strict this time of year. Is to get stronger, attain better movement patterns, and build a strong foundation for later this year when we begin volume.
HSPU: you will scale to a pike position SHSPU down to a Parallete push up to max push up in :30s on the floor
Toes to Bar: you will scale to a straight leg toes to bar trying to get your feet above chest height/belly button; or V-ups in :30s or abmat situps in :30s
Ring Muscle Up: will scale to possibly banded seated ring muscle ups, or max Strict False Grip pull up on rings while seated on a band to max strict banded pullups on bar
Friday: Benchmark Day
Fight Gone Bad for 5 Rounds!
We are challenging our selves with 5x 5minute intervals with 1 minute rest. Consisting of exercises that require you to move a load over a long distance in each minute. This will test you physically and mentally.
Bragging Board:
Cody Porter - Jackie PR by 2:27s *plus he did banded the first time -Rx this time
Dylan Porter - Jackie PR by 1:47 (but still lost to Cody)
Casey Linch - Jackie PR by :30s
Jesus Mundo - 20lb PR on Power Clean and Jerk 215lb to 235lbs!
Kyle Rice with a PR on Jackie
Casey Linch PR on double unders in 1 minute with 10!
Colby Weldon completed his 1st Ring Muscle Up
James Cawthorne
Placing 5th at the S.E. Championships for skiing!
Upcoming Birthdays:
Rob Morgan - July 30
Randy Joering - August 1st
Santez Kindred - August 1st
Run Club will meet Wednesday at Swift Cantrell at 6:30pm.
Beach Brawl 2024 Fall - 9/27 thru 9/29
Blue Ridge 15/30/50k trail run - October 5th, 2024
Affiliate Dues: we still have some of the affiliate dues missing. I’ll be following up this week. So we can start updating equipment - ASAP!
we have several items we need to replace in the gym when it comes to plates, ropes, dumbbells, etc
$40 for individuals
$60 for Couples
CrossFit Journal Article of the Month: Why Doctors Recommend (And Do) CrossFit: Movement is Life by Brittney Saline
“In a world where we can go almost anywhere and get almost anything at the touch of a button, it’s easy to forget that movement isn’t merely a lifestyle choice, and exercise isn’t just for the fitness fanatics.
“You may be able to summon dinner and a ride with a few taps on your phone, but who are you gonna call when you can’t get off the can?
“‘A person who cannot squat, for instance, cannot get off a toilet; cannot get out of a chair,’ said Dr. Stephen Luther, a board-certified primary-care doctor of more than 25 years.”
Weekly Training Breakdown Video
What to expect for the next Cycle:
Olympic Lifting 2x days a week
Each session will focus on the snatch or clean and jerk
Followed by short to medium length metcon
We are hosting a olympic lifting meet in October and look forward to seeing
Whole Body Strength Training 2x days a week
We are going to keep this moving forward still trying to maximize strength.
We will be adding in Lunges for lower body work
Longer Workouts one day a week
These workouts will move from endurance to gymnastics to a combination of all
We will still keep posting one benchmark workout a week through this fall.
Saturday will remain as team workout
Thoughts on training:
-Wodscience just posted a study between ‘CrossFit’ training and a ‘Hybrid’ training model just focusing on one aspect of training at a time. Below is a link to the IG page to read and think for yourself. I see validation for both sides and also applications to training that way for people. Depends on where you are in your training. I believe the best thing about this study is that it shows people can get results with both approaches. I personally believe the CrossFit method develops more than just your strength and endurance, it develops a mindset that can handle diffcult situations and overcome adversity.