Bound News 9.26.22
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
– Jim Rohn, entrepreneur
I know its hard to find motivation, we make a decision to get better then begin making steps towards a goal whether its losing weight, gaining muscle, or just making our health a priority. Then after a month, the motivation fades away. Over the years, I've collected stories, videos, music, etc to help me get over those days when I don't feel like doing anything. We'll this espn story of Terry Fox is one of those stories. If you have not seen this take 8 minutes today to watch. Terry is a true inspiration of overcoming obstacles and becoming more than just a person but a voice for hope and inspiration.
Schedule Changes | Events | Competitions | New Apparel
- We will be asking our members to reserve there spots in classes. If you have WheelPay please begin signing in prior to class. Thank you!
- Barbell Collective Weighlfting Competition on October 29th at CrossFit Bound - Check out there instagram page and sign up in there bio
- New Class for Buns and Guns with Coach Jessica and Tricia starting October 4th. This class is a bootcamp style class for those in a hurry and need a quick effective workout focusing on body weight and lighter weights. Class is going to be Free the first month. Time will be announced this week. But for now it will be Tuesday/Thursdays.
- Friday afternoons will remaing the same but the 5pm class is going back to our Workout of the Day Programming.
- We have ordered new Wrist Wraps for the Gym. They will be $15 each for the early birds. Check out the design below. We are super excited about these. Each one will have CrossFit Bound but the left and right band will have 'be strong' and other 'be courageous' on them. You can preorder in WheelPay app.
Bragging Board:
- Miguel Chavez - 265lb Split Jerk
- Jussara Vincent - 250lb Deadlift
New Members:
- James Dockery
- Bianca Tedesco
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week:
Workouts of the Week:
- Monday: Strength - Strict Press | Monostructural High Volume Intervals
- Tuesday: Strength/Skill Work - Snatch Complex | Amanda (Ring Muscle Ups + Snatch)
- Wednesday: Strength - Power Clean | AMRAP of Row - Wall Walks - Farmers Carry
- Thursday: Skill Work - Handstand Practice | Long Duration Monostructural + Gymnastics
- Friday: Strength - Front Squat | Weightlifting Workout - Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Jerks EMOM
- Saturday: EMOM with Body Weight static holds + Bike + Burpees
have a great week of training. Stay Strong Stay Courageous
-Brandon Phillips