Bound Newsletter 3.24.2024
Beach Brawl and Graduation
Shout out to all the folks who put in the work this weekend.
Jasmin Yates, a 40 year old mother of two, a vetenarian and a research scientist.
Became the 1st woman to complete the Barkley Marathon in Tennessee this past weekend. She had to sprint to the finish line to complete the event in 59 hours 58 minutes and 30 seconds, with a 60-hour time cap.
I love this photo. Jasmine lying exhausted at the finish line, not looking for cameras or praise, high fives nor hugs. Jasmin gave everything she had to complete the task.
Bragging Board:
Heidi - prior to surgery, completed a 53lb Kettlebell snatch with perfect technique
Jesus Mundo - completed 6x squat snatches at 185 *first time since wrist injury
Mia Parker - hit a 195lb Clean and Jerk at Beach Brawl!
Mary Turner - completed a 145lb Push Press for 2RM
Jeb Buffington - completed the clean complex with 315lb on Friday!
Upcoming Birthday:
March 28 - Mary Turner
March 30 - Brian Chambers
Upcoming Schedule, Events, Coaches Calendar
April 10th - Helenback Series Half Marathon or 5k Race. Did this last year - such a great race! Register HERE
April 27th - Bound Brawl Team Competition registration is Open to Compete or Volunteer.
Register your team or volunteer - HERE
May - HERO Month begins!
The schedule is subject to change.
CrossFit Journal Article of the Week: Injured? Don’t Skip the Gym by Kelley Laxton
As CrossFit founder Greg Glassman said, “Injury, like illness, is an ineluctable fact of life.”
The health benefits of CrossFit — such as increased strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and power — still extend to athletes who are recovering from an injury. If you break your foot, you still have three other working ligaments to train.
Alongside the overall improvements in your health, staying active while rehabbing an injury can also aid in healing tissues.
“If you can keep blood flowing, blood brings oxygen to healing tissues. And that’s beneficial by itself,” Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Sean Rockett (CF-L2) says. “As long as you’re checking with your doctor about your injury, then I think it’s perfectly fine (to do CrossFit).”
It’s also important to keep using the uninjured parts of your body during recovery so you don’t lose the ability to use those muscles.
According to an article by Harvard Medical School, “After an injury, illness, or any prolonged period of inactivity, muscle loss can occur faster, leading to muscle atrophy… . A study in the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine found that older men who did eight weeks of strength training lost about 25% of their muscle gains after they stopped training for two weeks.”
New Bound Build Starts this Week:
-5x5s with Dynamic Efforts on Back Squat and Press
-Adding the power version of the olympic lifts this cycle - Power Clean and Jerk / Power Snatch
This Week’s Training Outline for our Classes:
Starting our 6 Week cycle leading up to HERO MONTH
-odd weeks - 3x strength training
-even weeks - 2x whole body strength training sessions