Bound Newsletter 1.21.2024

You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens. - Mandy Hale

Bragging Board:

  • Logan Brown finished 11th place in a very tough field of competitors in the Pro Division at the Fittest of the Coast competition this past weekend. Want to check out some of his workouts Coach Miles went to support our members competing and filmed a few of his workouts on instagram.

  • Mia Parker and Sydney Hightower also competed at the Fittest of the Coast in the Team Division. If you want to watch there events you can go to Jesus Mundo instagram account to see there workouts. Mia also snatched 155lbs!!

Sydney and Mia aka Team Bound representing at Fittest of the Coast

Congratulations to Mary Saunders on her engagement to Dakota Hanson

Upcoming Birthdays:

  • Reuben Rivera - January 24th

Upcoming Schedule | Events:

  • February 10th - Marathon row Event for Love Organization

  • Teams of 4 (2 females / 2 males) - $240 per team

  • February 23-25 - Elsi Enduro Last man standing running event in Ringgold Ga

  • February 29th - The Open Starts

    • March 1-7-14 will be the Friday Night Light Events

  • March 23rd - Barbell Collective Lifting Competition hosted by CrossFit Bound

    • *Saturday Class will be moved to a location TBD

  • April 27th - Bound Brawl Team Competition

Article of the Week: Endurance Training Programming: 25 Min Phys with Dr Andy Galpin

In this video, Dr. Andy Galpin discusses various programming considerations when thinking about endurance training. Specifically, Dr. Galpin discusses various types of endurance, how to train to cause specific adaptations related to endurance, and he gives examples of what this would look like in terms of exercise type, sets/reps, duration, and much more helpful information!

Training Plans for the Week:

Bound Build - We are starting our 8-week program leading up to the 1st Barbell Collective event being held at Bound.
This program will look like the following:
- 3x days a week (Monday - Heavy day; Wednesday - Light Day; Friday - Medium Day)
- Monday will have the big 3 lifts, Wednesday Snatch Day + FS + Bench Press; Friday Clean and Jerk Day + Box Squat + push press)
- Following the main lifts each day will have some accessory work.
-The work will look monotonous, but it takes 10000 reps to master a movement. For Snatch/CJ max day start at 50% adding 5lbs until you reach failure for each Session

Bound Performance Track
- Monday: Full Body Strength Day followed by Rowing Burpee Sprints
- Tuesday: Strength Deadlift | Burpee + CTB + Alt DB Snatches
- Wednesday: Gymnastics Skill - Handstand Work | Run + OVHS + SHSPU
- Thursday: Whole Body Strength Day followed by
- Friday: Open Workout 11.5 followed by a 3RM Hang Power Clean
- Saturday: 2 part team workout | Row + S2O + Rope climbs | static hang or hold + max rep DB burpee box step overs


Bound Newsletter 1.28.2024


Bound Newsletter 1.14.2023