Bound Newsletter 3.10.24
We’ve got Bring a Friend Week this week!
Our workouts for the week are challenging but each workout will have a specific scale to keep the stimulus and build on strength and keep the heart rate up!
24.2 gave high expectations for a lot of folks initially. But the double unders seem to always humble folks back into reality especially under fatigue during a 20 minute workout. Some of our members left the workout proud of the effort. Even though they may have only hit 50-150 double unders - that was a PR for number of double unders completed in a workout. While others who work tirelessly at double unders still haven’t found that ability to stay consistent while under fatigued. Then we have the few that can do double unders that seems like forever even if there tired. Personally, I can only think of a handful of people who may have had a bad workout. But for those I watched - the effort was there.
Now the deadlifts are a different story. Jess and I both noticed a lot of members stances staying to wide, almost like setting up for a 1 RM clean every rep. I’ll have some videos and class workouts in the future that will help us improve our stance and ability to cycle a deadlift efficiently and safely for a high volume or low volume workout.
This is the last week of the Open. I’m predicting a short (ish) chipper with a barbell with ascending weight as you go through the workout with mixed in gymnastics movements.
Remember this week we are doing a POT LUCK on Friday. Bring your Favorite Side Dish or Finger Food to share with the community!
Bragging Board:
This week we had a lot PRs on double unders in the Open. Big Shout to the
Mary Lubbers for 150+ dubs
Lee Crase with 50 dubs
Hannah Spratlin completing her first Open workout Rx
Logan Brown - Hit 10 full rounds and looking to be in the top 1000 two workouts in a row! He’s putting up some great scores and looking great heading into quarterfinals.
Upcoming Birthdays
Brooklyn Shaw - March 11
Cody Porter - March 21
Mary Turner - March 28
Brian Chambers - March 30
New Members:
Alex Falcon
Upcoming Events
February 29th - The Open Starts
March 15th will be the Friday Night Light Events. If you are not a member but would like to attend please email to sign up and join.
March 11-15th - Bring A Friend Week at CrossFit Bound
If you have a friend/family member interested please email to give a name and phone number for us to be expecting.
March 23rd - Barbell Collective Lifting Competition hosted by CrossFit Bound
*Saturday Class will be moved to a location TBD
April 10th - Helenback Series Half Marathon or 5k Race. Did this last year - such a great race! Register HERE
April 27th - Bound Brawl Team Competition registration is Open to Compete or Volunteer.
Register your team or volunteer - HERE
May - HERO Month begins!
Schedule may be subject to change.
*Brooklyn will be coaching Tuesday Evening Classes
Training and nutrition are the two most powerful mechanisms for improving human health, but they exert their influence from opposite directions. Diet supplies energy and is the source of the body’s structural components. Exercise consumes energy and actually breaks down the body in various ways. Our muscles, tendons, and even bones are damaged during exercise, but they grow back stronger in response to the stress. These adaptations, not the stress, are what we’re chasing when we exercise.
Let’s imagine diet and exercise as two dials that can be set from zero to 10. By manipulating these dials, we can achieve a variety of effects. It would please Big Soda greatly if we would all increase our consumption of their sugary products and then burn off the calories. We could go even further and live the life of an Olympic athlete. At peak training, some athletes consume over 10,000 calories a day, or quadruple that of the average person. Extraordinarily high training volumes keep their body weight steady, but this diet and exercise pattern does not provide a viable long-term plan for good health……..
This Weeks Training:
Monday: Strength - DB Strict Press + Inverted Ring Rows | Partner Workout AMRAP Bar Muscle Up + Power Snatch
Tuesday: AMRAP Intervals: odd / even rounds
Wednesday: Strength - Back Squat + Box Jumps | Body Weight Intervals
Thursday: Around the World conditioning piece
Friday: TBD
Saturday: TBD