Bounds News 8.8.2022

Mayhem Freedom 2022 Affiliate Cup Champions

Tias 6th and Justins 2nd championship

"For eight years, every day was roughly the same: wake up earlier than I'd like, sell my soul to the assault bike and the swimming intervals and the 40-minute AMRAPs, eat, sleep, repeat...." - Mat Fraser.

Ironically, I'm using a Mat Fraser quote from the end of his book that described his life over the last eight years of competing. I found it appropriate to describe the above champions. These champions have made a CHOICE daily to better themselves through training, nutrition, and recovery. Several factors come into play obviously outside of their control, but these champions have set their goals and standards high, and their daily choices over the past 365 days paid off.

That brings me to us. Whether training for the games or just going about our daily lives, our choices have led to where we are now. Our happiness, sadness, frustrations, joy, peace...all comes from our choices over the past hour, days, weeks, months, and years. These champions knew what they wanted and set out to reach it. They delayed gratification and put themselves through hell, knowing the discipline would pay off. What can you cut out to reach your goals? What can you do right now to become better? What can you take out of your life to make you happier and more at peace? Let's get better together, know what you want and let's all create a map to get there!

Bragging Board
- No PRs were written on the board this week, but I'm sure some rep maxes were reached on the lighter weights, but no one posted.

9am Class

Class Schedule Changes | Upcoming Events

  • Fit Kid's Classes are Wednesday from 5:15-6 pm, and Saturday from 10-10:45 am
    *We do a week free for children if you know someone interested, please reach out to or let Brandon know
  • Fundamentals Course - M/W from 6:30-7:30pm and T/Th from 6:30-7:30am. The next Course begins on September 5th. When you enter the gym this week, you'll see the big room (kids room) will be turned into a classroom to educate our new members and hopefully add some seminars/workshops in the future. We will offer the Fundamentals course at 50% through September; if you know someone, let Miles or Brandon know or reach out to
    *The kid's area is moved to the front by the tv.
  • On October 29th, we will be hosting a USAW weightlifting competition. We will have a signup link and more details soon. We are excited to host this competition and hope to see some members step out of their comfort zone and try something new!

Upcoming Class Workouts

  • Monday - Strength: Deadlift | AMRAP9 of Overhead Squats, Box Jumps, Push Ups
  • Tuesday - Longer Chipper style Team Workout
  • Wednesday - Strength: Strict Press | GIRL WORKOUT: Megan
  • Thursday - 5K row or 20 Minute Time Trial on Bike for Max Calories
  • Friday - Strength: Power Clean | For Time: Chest to bar Pullups + Double Unders
  • Saturday - Team Workout
  • Sunday - Barbell Club meeting at 9 am

Journal Article of the Week, 'Gymnastics and Tumbling' by Greg Glassman

If you watched the Games, you noticed a crazy amount of gymnastics. I believe there were 8 mono-structural exercises programmed, 14 Weightlifting exercises, and 12 gymnastics exercises (11 cause they took ropes out) programmed during the competition, but the Gymnastics events went old school. We were seeing these gymnastics exercises brought up, and it took me back to when I first started and sucked at gymnastics (still not the best), but I researched so many journal articles and the wall-facing handstand pushups; parallel bars, and press-to handstands...all of it was available to us as an athlete. This month I will be sharing those old articles with you. Below is a Glassman article: Gymnastics and Tumbling from 2005. To the Right, you will find an original document Glassman used to record personal best with members in his gym during that time. Take a quick read and enjoy!

BPS List


Bound News 8.15.2022


Bound News 8.1.2022